Tuesday 31 October 2017

Evening of Imperial Care for Refugees Pain

Yesterday evening went along to the Imperial College talk on Beyond violence and how to support refugees with the mental trauma of their experience in war and fleeing for their lives.  Well impressed with the evening the medical students had put together for their charity week.  There were students that are thinking of following their practice into Psychiatry so were interested in this facet of care for those traumatised.  I love being around the students and chatting with them... My whole career has been helping to mentor and guide medical and nursing and midwifery students through their clinical placement... so felt fully at home among them all.... I was able to share in the networking exhibition all I am doing with my Family Link Up project too.. Linking up my Syrian refugee family that are scattered between Turkey and Europe. I have asked if they would invite me to speak sometime... as love sharing my experiences. 

The speakers for this evening were totally inspirational with their care and compassion for maximising their support to the traumatised.  There was Dr Peter Hughes Consultant Psychiatrist who has worked in Syria with Syrian Task Force & WHO  as well helped with refugees here that have fled the war zones.  You can read more about him and his work on his Royal College of Psychiatrist link blog...  http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/discoverpsychiatry/overseasblogs/syriapeterhugheswiththewh.aspx

There was Prof Cornelius Katona the medical director of the Helen Bamber Foundation.  This presentation was amazing with the holistic approach to healing and caring for the post traumatised.   You can read more of the inspirational work which should be a model for all on the link to the Helen Bamber Foundation.... Helen was very caring woman to have started this work and what a legacy she leaves us all to.... inspire and to guide us in our humanity to others. http://www.helenbamber.org/

The evening had exhibitions from other agencies that help refugees ... so here are a random selection of my photos from the evening with links to find out more. 

This is a map from the wall of one of the huts in the Calais camp and it shows all the routes refugees have taken to flee.  Note many have settled or been settled along the way not all head for Calais with a view to seeking asylum in the UK.  From my interaction with my refugee family many are not to happy to come to the UK as since Brexit and the attitudes they have seen in the news it puts them off..... which is a sad reflection of us as a supposed to be caring Christian nation! Many want to go to Canada as Justine Trudeau stands out as a beacon of care and compassion in his style of leadership.    But nevertheless this map and routes is interesting and demonstrates desperation to get to some place to settle and maybe reunite with other family members.  It is so sad that the UK government would not accept my suggestion through my MP to set up emergency ECOs offices in the Calais camp to perform some high to low priority clearances... Even more sad and disappointing, that given the horrors on a grand magnitude in the Syrian crimes against humanity by their deluded president and his regime; that all safe country embassy doors did not open to help people flee with dignity.... and not through these hazardous routes. Dignified support would have been the ideal rather than at the mercy of uncaring traffickers that put many at further risk with their flimsy overcrowded boats... All needed post trauma support not traumatised further. 

On this we all need to sit back and think what the heck are we doing as a supposed Global Family on this one and only home planet Earth... time we truly evolved into caring peaceful beings... Thank God for good examples of care and compassion seen in the groups that have responded to needs.  My rant over here are more photos!

This is a therapeutic project of art therapy you can read more on this link 

There was some very keen and enthusiastic supporters of the Islamic Relief who so a lot of good work in the world responding to needs... here is the CW2016 project for Syria... you can  find out more about their work on this link..  

 Then my project Family Link up 
Family Link Up
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too.. and any ideas on fundraising let me know.. 
Shop Now
Family Link Up - be part of the story
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
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Wednesday 25 October 2017

To help you understand


APPG Friends of Syria yesterday

I was able to relay the concern of the activists in Turkey about the fleeing of families from Deir Ezzor... and I too am very worried that they need immediate humanitarian aid and are very distressed. See my following posts for a full view of the situation.  

Thursday 5 October 2017

Massacres Man Unevolved

Beautiful photos of Deir Ezzor in Syria ... but on military maps seen as isis kharwarij held areas. Isis did occupy this area and terrorise the civilians there. But now there are massive attacks on the place by Russians and Assad... now look at this.....and remember that we have civilians in this..
This last one to show you does have burned bodies but I need to show you as it suggests phosphorous used... 
While the use of the material is not specifically banned, it is covered by Protocol III of the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons, which prohibits use of the substance as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations and in air attacks against military forces in civilian areas.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-368800/White-phosphorus-burns-bone.html#ixzz4ufTx9SM6 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
While the world was shocked with the horrendous maniac shooting in Las Vegas and while we mourned the losses and felt for the injured and their families... we have massacres going on in Syria and other war torn areas. 

QUITE FRANKLY THIS IS EVIL IMMATURE AND SO UNEVOLVED OF HUMAN BEINGS DOING THIS TO ONE ANOTHER.  even if you are hunting down a gang that you call terrorists you should not behave worse than a terrorist by bombing innocent civilians caught and trapped in this horrendous nightmare deluded egos are causing. 

How can anyone order this to be done?
How can anyone design and market such weapons? and that goes for the massacre in Las Vegas as well as war weapons...
How can the evil despots behind this sleep at night do they have no conscious?
How can we ever ever carry the label Homo Sapiens (Wise Men) when we do this to one another.

This is a sledgehammer approach to "problem solving" and Dr Death Assad needs to hang his head in shame as all this kicked off because he would not listen to the people, and their call for reform. 

Time this madness was stopped!