Wednesday 4 April 2018

Peace march in Gaza

Ahmed,7, decided to celebrate his seventh birthday on the return tents and to replace flags rather than candles. Every flag is for the murdered souls whom the Israeli sniper killed with no reason but protesting peacefully.

Friday and the Israeli snipers attacking the Palestinians was shocking they used exploding bullets... It was shameful that when the Bravehearts were putting out call for blood donors Israeli trolls where coming on their facebook timelines goading and taunting.. It really is spiritual immaturity of Israeli Zionist... any violence is a traitor to the light and love of Allah the Divine Creator which ever name you take for the Universal energy.  I am feeling like I am being abused.. as my father in law never had a wink sleep after being in the troops that liberated Belsen. I have had great heartache for the plight of the Jews and the oppression and downright evil of the Nazi regime... as a little girl more and more information would come to me on the pain and torture of the camps. I have nursed holocaust survivors with love and care and compassion.  I had a wonderful Jewish friend in Otley... I met him when I was studying for my BSc Nursing and was doing a project on complementary therapies. Marshall was pharmacist that had turned herbalist and crystal healer. He was a wise man in the town but a humble man... he would give you his last Sheikl if he thought you needed it more than him.   So I get really peed off when the Israelis will continually see any criticism as anti semitic... I am not anti semitic but anti despotic evil actions of fighting and war and land grabbing and chasing ££$£ in a selfish way than in sharing.  I used to like the idea of the Kibbutz and felt this was a true marxist way of people working creatively for the benefit of the community. But this Israeli attack on a peace march is outrageous and an international crime.  the term semitic is for all the tribes of the land so in effect the Israeli Zionists are being Anti semitic to the Palestinians....  

I find the whole thing very spiritually immature... those with the peace and love and enlightenment of the Divine Creator do not need weapons as the peace is the oneness with the Divine.  When will man mature and grow up to be a peaceful caring species with selfless and egoless care for others and the Earth we all share ....all chosen to live on by the fact we are alive on this beautiful planet.
Just look at the horrid bullets used exploding type when they enter the body they explode and shatter bone and tissue... The braveheart with the arm injury is lucky his arm was not severed... we have doctors compiling lists of injuries and it will need to go to the International Criminal courts as was completely out of line...