Saturday 21 July 2018

Drug trade in society decay

A photo of the Euphrates bridge before it was blown up in the war
I recently helped to translate a report that Dante was working on for the Euphrates post and it is a worrying insight into the exploitation of the society decay now in Syria.  I have published this today as I know the article is out now in the public domain so I am reinforcing the call for concern. You can see how the corruption and greed to make money preys on the vulnerable youth with their feelings of lost hope in a country that has been ransacked and sabotaged in a wild killing and airstrike frenzy....Youth that have seen so much pain in the war had their world turned upside down and feel they have no future.  It really is time Man grew up in his evolutionary pathway out of this craziness......and most of all stop exploiting one another when vulnerable. All messages come from all religions and wise men that greed is the root of all evil.... and to be selfless, egoless and caring for others and the world we live in is key to our present and future peace and harmony on this one planet home Earth. But man is to thickly wrapped in his ego to hear.... or does hear.... but his ego takes over and the lust for wanting more more more than someone else takes over...... How stupid this as the path leads to losing all.... WAKE UP MAN! 

Drugs are openly being marketed in Deir al Zour? What is the role of the Assad regime in this? 
Drug trafficking and drug abuse is not a new phenomenon in Deir al Zour but it has been clearly exacerbated by the fact that over the past few weeks there has been an ease of transporting the goods into the area. The governorate seems to be lessening restrictions and losing control on the distribution of drug material.
"Euphrates Post" through its network of correspondents in the cities and towns of Deir al-Zour, have concluded drug dealing and the availability of drugs has spread widely throughout the province. The majority of targeted users are the young with adolescents in particular.
The security chaos and the spread of unemployment are among the main reasons for this increase in this phenomenon. On the other hand, the Shiite militias backed by Iran, especially Hezbollah, are helping to promote these kinds of materials (cannabis, Tramadol, etc.) inside and traded in the regions of the regime. This is just as Iran and its militias do in other parts of the world (Lebanon, Latin America, Africa), and some officers of the security services of the system, are involved to make money on trading.
Drug abuse was previously known in Deir al-Zour on a small scale and, most importantly, it was conducted in secret. What distinguishes now, in addition to the expansion of the abuse and trafficking, is that it is sold publicly with the participation of the dominant forces in the region.  As for the prices, according to one of the drug abusers in the areas of control of the system, the price of one cigarette starts from 300 SYP pounds to 2500 pounds, according to the amount of hashish inside. There are some sold for 8,000 pounds because they carry a large amount of hashish. In this area, social media and related programs (Facebook, Fiber, Watts) have facilitated and promoted the trafficking of narcotics, especially among young people.

The security services affiliated with it, as well as the authorities of the Assad regime in Deir al-Zour are ineffective towards the growing phenomenon of drug use in society. Drug traffickers in the cities and towns of the province move freely and protected by mafia type gangs.  The gangs are encouraged by the absence of legal prosecution of its promoters. This is especially since most of them belong in one way or another to the organisation  of the security system, or to the military commanders.