Saturday, 25 March 2017

The True Power to Live in Peace

Human Race to be led by Love

The Spirit of Love never broken

╭•⊰✿The more anyone tries to be break us the more we come together... Learn this of London we are of a spirit that will not be broken - but unite in the spirit of love, freedom and joy of our city......and a place where the world shares together - all languages spoken but the loudest is the language of love.....✿


Thursday, 23 March 2017

Salute to our Hero LAA

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Help them to save more lives and be there in the time of need..... Let us hope Parliament will see their worth for some funding and not have to rely on donations and fundraising like they do at this moment....

Help for an amazingly kind police officer

A picture of Keith Palmer among flowers near the Houses of Parliament.

PC Keith Palmer who was so brutally killed yesterday did not deserve this end... For him there was no end to his kindness and care for all the visitors to parliament and to the staff..He was always interested in the public and your well being....I will greatly miss him on my committee meetings and lobbying... 

Prayers with his family and you can contribute to the Metropolitan police Just giving for the family - follow the link to help...

A must watch tonight

A must watch tonight on Channel 4 for a real terrorist in the world that needs to be put in the International Criminal Courts ASAP and brought to account on crimes against humanity ... with the need for reparation for all the damage he has will see and hear most of what I have been seeing and hearing in our APPG Friends of Syria that Jo Cox MP started... you will see why she was so passionate to help get justice and to help the refugees.....

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Invisible wounds in Children

This is upsetting reading for any mother, grandmother and fellow human being driven by compassion ...

After nearly six years of conflict in Syria, the physical scars of war are obvious on countless shattered buildings and bodies. The mental toll of living through 2,190 days of brutal violence, particularly for children who have grown up in its shadow, is harder to fathom. For some there are outward signs – children who lose the ability to speak, who wet themselves or scream when they hear a loud noise. For others the signs are subtler, including terrors in the night and withdrawal or aggression during the day. But, as a new report makes clear, we are seeing a mental health crisis among Syrian children and if we do not act now, it will be very difficult to undo the damage done.


Sunday, 5 March 2017

Children return to damaged schools in Syria

Save our NHS

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Been a weekend of protests with the very real concerns on our NHS 

March for Women

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Missed the march today in London ... but was with them in mind and heart. Looks to have been a good turnout and much needed... Was shocked to hear that MEP bloke twittering on about women being weaker and needing to be paid less.... lol had to ask who defrosted that old dinosaur..... and in fact he needs to review his embryology and look at the XY and XX to see that us women have full complement of DNA in our XX chromosomes....  Some fellas forget they lived rent free in a woman's womb for nine months without which would have no life.......respect is what we all need....But have to say when it comes to women in leadership roles we do need to becareful of taking on male testosterone characteristics ... Like Mrs Thatcher she became a tyrannt and deluded despot that began to fail to listen not only to the people but her own cabinet...... she caused a lot of havoc and another I question going to church with a fancy hat on while in the Falklands War our lads were being fired on by weapons we had sold to the Argentinians.... We must not lose the love care and compassion in us all.... 
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Boris to visit Russia

It is with hope that Boris will get some sense into the Russian regime on his visit... but he will be talking directly with war criminals and crimes committed on such a vast scale will need to be brought to account and reparation...

There needs to be justice for all the families that have had their lives and homes destroyed by the very crude sledgehammer approach that Putin has implemented with his buddy Dr Death Assad.  There is no justification for airstrikes on civilians and children like this child in the picture, who was lost in the airstrikes.... There is no justification in the world for airstrikes... Criminals who are defined as terrorists can be got in a more sophisticated intelligent use of intelligence.  But the sad fact is that Assad and his regime joined by Putin and his regime have behaved like terrorists.. The world has seen even through the distorted press coverage and interviews that Assad and Putin have given. 

I have been with refugees and seen their pain when they get word that their relatives have been killed overnight in airstrikes.  The pain is immense.  One night a whole branch of a family was wiped out.. A professor his wife and seven children.. Now tell me where is the justification for supposed adults in positions of supposed power to do this to civilians.. or indeed criminal targets we need to have outgrown the use of mass destructive weapons.... we need to be very mature and very evolved to get round peace tables and see that depotic power is deluded power.  There are rules and treaties to adhere too... The Geneva Convention clearly states that in Article 51 civilians and doctors and hospitals have to be protected in war.   This article has been ignored... There is no excuse to say that the perceived enemy used human shields ... a shield should in fact be inanimate and even the Geneva convention  is a ruling shield ... but where there is known civilians trapped there should be no command to airstrike. 

Here is a photo of another little one that was lost in the airstrikes. He did not deserve to have his life cut short. What was his crime to be slaughtered. Who could he have been in his life - maybe a peacekeeper and a teacher. Surely looking at his photo should teach us to keep peace and make us think what are we doing making foul weapons and destroying lives in a distorted idea that war is justified.  It is not.. many of us doctors and nurses and midwives are absolutely fed up with the warlords that make these decisions.  Life is precious and we must learn to value and respect it and one another.  

Boris has a task to challenge Putin on why he thinks it is OK to sail he fleet round through our seas on the way to a killing spree in a Aleppo... and he needs to find out why religion is used in this ... Russian airmen baptised by priests and "blessed" before they go out on their killing spree is bizarre and distasteful - also a betrayal and offence to the message of peace and love and harmony.  Dr Death Assad is also guilty of this when he is seen praying in a mosque knowing that down the road from him kids are being killed on his command... Nauseating and all in the mosque that pray at the side of him are as guilty has he... and you already know my thoughts on the black clad criminals the world call isis or daesh.. Sorry guys all the lot of you cannot possibly claim any spirituality or claim on god when you do all this slaughter. It means you simply do not understand the message in all world religions... to be merciful selfless egoless and have care and compassion for ALL creation. The catch in this is that ego distorted despotic power is the problem in you all. You create darkness in your mind and in the world.. and all this pain is man made not God made... 

On the subject of making we the UK need to challenge our trade in weapons and the manufacture of weapons... there is no excuse to strengthen the economy with killing machines and weaponary with components and design to cause maximum damage to a human being and the infrastructure.  The use of chemicals and depleted uranium is shameful and is downright evil.  The evil that the International Criminal Court needs to bring to account and justice.  It really is time for the court doors to be open and perpetrators brought to account and reparation offered from ceased asset to the victims of the pain. The world needs some help too from these characters as we have all had the need to support those that have fled from this horror.... So Boris you need to discuss a lot in your time....Best take your own teabags too! And do not forget to bring up that doctors and hospitals have been illegal targets in this dirty war in Syria... we did raise the issue when Cameron was PM.... 
Time homo sapiens evolved into peaceful beings!! 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

When a doctor cares

The smile when you see the doctor again that helped to heal your pain of broken bones...

A little life hurt because AdultS could not be adult enough to get round peace tables and talk, listen and problem solve..!!!

5 month old Maram lost both her parents died and nearly every limb in her body was broken when her house was bombed in Aleppo – her suffering particularly harrowing even by the standards of the Syrian war. The British surgeon Dr David Nott, who operated on her and then watched her leave for asylum in Turkey, didn’t know if she would survive. Now, several months on, he’s returned to find out what happened to her. 

Here are some still frames of what care and compassion is -  in this world that is in turmoil with Despots and warlords creating pain in the world....Thank God for those that care with love to be lights in the darkness...... 
Love the doll as gift but David has Given her a most powerful gift of healing her wounds..... 

This is to remind you of the surgery David so skillfully perform to help Maram

You can find out more about Dr David Nott on this link

UK surgeon returns to find injured Syrian baby - BBC News

David is amazing and a true doctor full of care and compassion with amazing skills... this is quite a moving story....... what are we adults doing to fight and war and cause all this pain to our children...... better the love care and compassion of being a human Global family...... time to heal the world surely......

Our world today .. its true :(

This says alot and is sad and worrying too and very very true.

Was only thinking on this the other day with a mother pushing a pram while texting... was almost expecting to see her receiving a text message from the toddler in the pram with his phone to text "Mama I need my nappy changing" 

:-(  or emoticon for nappy and text chg.... 

The train was funny one day in the carriage all were texting and playing games... then two laughing at one another as they realised they were txting one another and on the same train just a couple of seats away......

Eyewitness Cloud

Image result for Eyewitness project
Mission Statement eyeWitness seeks to bring to justice individuals who commit atrocities by providing human rights defenders, journalists, and ordinary citizens with a mobile app to capture much needed verifiable video and photos of these abuses. eyeWitness then becomes an ongoing advocate for the footage to promote accountability for those who commit the worst international crimes.
This is a package when in the heat of it all to store evidence of international crimes...

International law can never be disregarded

"We hope that our report not only documents the events in Aleppo, but also that it helps to ensure that those responsible for this ruinous situation one day are brought to justice." - Paulo Pinheiro, Chairperson, Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic released a report today based on its investigations of alleged human rights violations committed in #Aleppobetween 21 July 2016 and 22 December 2016. Read more here:
There is more than enough evidence collected over the whole of this war..... and it is more than time for the International Criminal Court Doors to open and for Dr Death Assad and his regime and Putin his buddy and the set of Black Clad criminals to be put to trial.  Crimes against humanity and genocide anywhere in the world has to be challenged as completely unacceptable.  We have to learn to evolve into peaceful respectful beings or we hurtle towards the loss of all creation and this beloved home - Planet Earth..... 

 Image result for international criminal court
There must be peace through justice and to get governments and regimes to behave in a more evolved way ... stop deluded power struggles and paranoia.... we must come together as a Global family and learn to share and care for one another...... InsAllah God Willing and man opening hearts and minds willing we will win with Peace and harmony one day but it needs to be like quick - today not tomorrow or we may not have tomorrows anymore.... !

Chobani Yogurt CEO: I Had No Business Experience

Success story and he employs refugees to help them rebuild their lives... and gives them financial dignity and integrates into the wider community.... Respect to this chap...