Wednesday 1 March 2017

International law can never be disregarded

"We hope that our report not only documents the events in Aleppo, but also that it helps to ensure that those responsible for this ruinous situation one day are brought to justice." - Paulo Pinheiro, Chairperson, Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic released a report today based on its investigations of alleged human rights violations committed in #Aleppobetween 21 July 2016 and 22 December 2016. Read more here:
There is more than enough evidence collected over the whole of this war..... and it is more than time for the International Criminal Court Doors to open and for Dr Death Assad and his regime and Putin his buddy and the set of Black Clad criminals to be put to trial.  Crimes against humanity and genocide anywhere in the world has to be challenged as completely unacceptable.  We have to learn to evolve into peaceful respectful beings or we hurtle towards the loss of all creation and this beloved home - Planet Earth..... 

 Image result for international criminal court
There must be peace through justice and to get governments and regimes to behave in a more evolved way ... stop deluded power struggles and paranoia.... we must come together as a Global family and learn to share and care for one another...... InsAllah God Willing and man opening hearts and minds willing we will win with Peace and harmony one day but it needs to be like quick - today not tomorrow or we may not have tomorrows anymore.... !