Sunday 2 July 2017

Grand Gathering of Iranians for #FreeIran 1st July 2017/-/Singing for fr...

Very privileged to be at this mega rally yesterday in Paris... Thanks to my Iranian activist friend Mirzi that invited me as a quest. The conference hall is so large and there was a crowd of supporters from around the world with 1000 full coaches... I enjoyed our coach trip via Calais... and we had a good group.  

The supporters message that seems to be coming across loud and clear is that we the people just want to get on with our lives in peace and love and sharing.. We are fed up beyond fed up of despotic deluded egos in their deluded power causing havoc and pain in the world.  So many carry such a lot of trauma from losing families..... Human Rights to Peace Safety Security and the right to expression and the right to blossom as creative caring human beings needs to be respected.