Tuesday 18 July 2017

Iran and Human Rights with Justice for crime

Upsetting meeting in Parliament today in support of the Iranians in their plea for justice, regain human rights and dignity in their land. Dreadful there was a massacre in the 1980s and still the perpetrators have not been put before the International Criminal Court.  It was as one human right lawyer was saying a case of State Terrorism, that was halting opposition with arrests, a short yes no court case and then horrendous prison sentences and with torture and executions.  I sat listening to it all and was getting more and more angry and upset at the incompetence of the world to not stop & arrest ALL criminal despotic regimes in the world that have so much ignorance and delusion as to cause all this pain in the world.  Where does it put us all as a human race with this happening and no one listening or allowing it to be brushed up the carpet. it cannot go on like this.  It is man's ultimate stupidity to keep doing this over and over and over again, century after century, decade after decade.  When will man wake up to the message that no one should be selfish and cruel like this and one side oppress another. We are all chosen to live on this Earth by the fact we were born. 

Good leadership is caring for ALL citizens ensuring human dignity with human rights & needs respected. 

I kept hearing speakers saying thank you for inviting me I am honoured!!! There is no honour in this not one of us on this planet can live our lives without shame that all this mayhem is happening in the world.  Iran, Syria, Iraq, Israel with Palestine and then there is Yemen all hot spots for pain and suffering.  

The pain goes on in the families of lost loved ones... there was only a need to listen to one another, respect one another and see we have to work together on this one planet home, a rich and resourceful plant Earth with enough for all if we stop being greedy and selfish and start to share and be selfless.... 

It is as the Nuremberg prosecutor says Mans Stupidity to keep making the same mistake over and over again.  MPs MEPs and UN keep saying they will problem solve this and still it goes on. Disgraceful with all the evidence that criminal lawyers have collected that there still is no justice and closure to all the pain. The pain continues in the relatives of those lost loved ones.  They are tortured with the thought of their aunt their sister their brother being tortured to death.   It is extra shameful that these regimes try to justify their criminal actions in the name of religion.  I have studied world religions and each have the core message or being egoless for it is the ego that creates darkness in the world, The ego makes shadows to the Creator of All's love and light in the world.  

I love the way the Iran group always bring flowers to the Parliamentary committee room to buffer the ugliness of the story of pain and torture with beauty.  It is serves as a reminder Allah (the Arabic for God) is Greater than us All and the Creator of this beautiful planet and universe. So it is time we learnt to respect this and not let delusion create man made, politically induced pain and turmoil in the world. I am reminded of my mixing in the massive crowds in the Paris conference the message was loud and clear -  we, from all nations and cultures were saying enough! we have had enough of this madness and we want to live together, share together, have dignity together and have fun together on this journey called life on Earth!  Salem, Shalom, Peace, Om Shanti..!