Friday 12 May 2017

Jeremy defence speech for all...

My photo from my attendance in a packed hall in Jeremy's leadership campaign

You can read all the speech from today in Chatham house on this press release link from the Labour Party

all of which impresses me... and when you read it those that do not vote for him need to look in their hearts at why they are against this amazing set of pledges with compassion for all mankind at its core. 

Some highlights for you: 

The introduction sets the over all goal 
how a Labour Government I lead will keep Britain safe, reshape relationships with partners around the world, work to strengthen the United Nations and respond to the global challenges we face in the 21stcentury.
Yes we need to be fully alert on the purpose of the opposition to peace, as this is the ideal so why do some seem to be against peacemakers and peacekeepers??
 Too much of our debate about defence and security is one dimensional. You are either for or against what is presented as “strong defence”, regardless of the actual record of what that has meant in practice.Alert citizens or political leaders who advocate other routes to security are dismissed or treated as unreliable.
Yes I am part of that generation an struggle with this and has a 1954 baby have grown up seeing repeated failings of leaders and men to take to war and use horrendous innocent civilians have become targets.  All in the backdrop of hearing the horrors of WW2 which should have taught us all to keep peace and learn from that time of utter evil. 
My generation grew up under the shadow of the cold war. On television, through the 1960s and into the seventies, the news was dominated by Vietnam. I was haunted by images of civilians fleeing chemical weapons used by the United States.
I didn’t imagine then that nearly fifty years later we would see chemical weapons still being used against innocent civilians. What an abject failure. How is it that history keeps repeating itself?
Regime is the key to this next highlight.. regimes that are selfish, despotic and oppressive not respectful of all citizens.... and has had outside interference that had not problem solved but made matters worse. 
 Today the world is more unstable than even at the height of the cold war. The approach to international security we have been using since the 1990s has simply not worked.Regime change wars in Afghanistan Iraq, Libya, and Syria – and Western interventions in Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen - have failed in their own terms, and made the world a more dangerous place.
This time frame shows the failings of man not to learn to evolve out of conflicts.  
This is the fourth General Election in a row to be held while Britain is at war and our armed forces are in action in the Middle East and beyond.
The fact is that the ‘war on terror’ which has driven these interventions has failed.
They have not increased our security at home – just the opposite.
And they have caused destabilisation and devastation abroad.
THIS IS A DANGEROUS IMBALANCE we must restore balance in the world. 
The world faces huge problems. As well as the legacy of regime change wars, there is a dangerous cocktail of ethnic conflicts, of food insecurity, water scarcity, the emerging effects of climate change.
Add to that mix a grotesque and growing level of inequality in which just eight billionaires own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest people.
as mother a grandmother and a midwife that had safely seen new life in the world THANK YOU FOR THIS SPEECH ... and thank you for our grandchildren and great grandchildren....... now we need the voters to see the sense of this and make sure our future generations grow up in peace and are proud to look back on this time in history where humans finally grew up out of our stupidity.... for you are so right the way things are heading we could all have no future to be able to look back on our past..... Like Ben Ferencz the Nuremberg prosecutor so well put in his interview with BBC hardtalk .... it is the ultimate of man's stupidity to not learn from his mistakes over the centuries ... and continue conflict behaviour that could make us all lose everything...... THANK YOU FOR THE PROMISE for justice in Syria for all the war crimes... we must see the door of the ICC open justice and reparation to all those that have had their lives broken by the selfish stupidity of the despotic Doctor Death Assad and his family regime....!! and sadly all those that have entered the killing frenzy where Article 51 has been violated in the most gross and horrific many criminals to prosecute and with stacks upon stacks of evidence to prove beyond any reasonable doubt.... Shukran thank you and in French so apt the word for thank you = Merci .