Monday 1 May 2017

Collateral Damage 352!

 Photo: Colours and art of Syria could not face putting death and destruction on post. 
(CNN)Coalition strikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria have likely killed at least 352 civilians since the start of the operation almost three years ago, the US military said Sunday.

Well isn't it time we evolved from using sledgehammer attacks on problem gangs..... you would not bomb the whole of Italy to get the mafia would you......??? better to use intelligent use of intelligence and there is so much to lead you to the criminal goons that call themselves isis.... for arrests to interrogate as to who is really behind them ... They are satanic saddstics nothing to do with the merciful selfless love of Allah ....So many of the civilians fell to their oppression and have evidence to help prosecute whoever these sadistic goons are.....many of the criminals bragging on iphone footage and show their faces..... or give away the location with clear landmarks......or covert films taken by civilians at great risk to their lives...... but no you go in with sledgehammer airstrikes with the "collateral damage" and you use depleted uranium so now we have refugees with weird cancers and tumours from the radius of airborne radioactivity from the thermogenic explosions..... TIME we all grew up and policed rather than knock the hell out of one another... TIME to listen to Ben the Nuremberg prosecutor on the stupidity of man with weapons.

source: on Depleted Uranium

Can we all remember Article 51 Geneva Convention and can we all remember ignoring of this leads to the death and broken lives of INNOCENT civilians which includes kids and babies.... and in some attacks pregnant mothers not even given the chance to bring life in the world.

Mothers of the World we need to shout together "BAS! ENOUGH! we do not birth our children to be robbed of their future.... because man is not adult enough to get round peace tables.  Because adults are not strong enough to live in peace and not give in to foolish deluded evil desires to oppress another and kill another!!"  The true Greater Jihad - is this the journey within self to rid self of egoless and one with the Divine Creators LOVE for us All. With this live in merciful respectful PEACE with one another on this one Earthly home.