Tuesday 20 February 2018

Two sisters appeal to the world

From ITV News at 10 this evening 
💞Shaking with pain,sadness and frustration and anger that the world does not hear the pleas to stop the massacre and save the children.... bless these two sisters holding tight to one another and recording a message for the WORLD TO HEAR FOR EVERYONE OF US to stop this madness.... to save the children.... such strong children to do this one called Noor, which means Light in Arabic.... please let this message be a light to illuminate the hearts of us all to say STOP THIS MADNESS the darkness of mans deluded despotic ego creates this madness... Let those children have a future let them be the future holding us all to the light of love and peace and care and compassion for one another.... no land grabbing, oil or $$$$ chasing is worth the loss of our souls to darkness and the loss of our children's future on this planet home Earth...

Shame on Dr Death Assad and his buddy Putin.....there is no isis terrorists this is tantrum bombing of those in opposition to his dictator regime...... how sick can a doctor be to do this to his people instead of listening and making a true democratic parliament... ego deluded power drunk.... what a failure this Assad is.....