Saturday 10 February 2018

Lemon Tree and Washing Line

photo: from Al Jazeera Report
This photo says so much can you see this. Fighter jet debris landing in a back garden... Someones home, a family trying to live their lives. See the woman of the house has a her washing line, a woman simply wanting to look after her family, cleaning clothes and keeping her family neat and tidy. Cooking and caring for her kids.  She and her husband love the garden can you see the Lemon tree..... and this idyllic scene is ruined by the deluded egos of man and his deluded power, with the jets, bombs and weapons... The fight for land and oil and £$£$£$ deluded power.  Could there ever be a chance that man can grow out of this very barbaric way of handling his egos desires for power power ... when the Lemon tree has the true message a message loud and clear if only mans dark ego would allow him to see.... There is a power Greater than us all... the creator of all.... and that loving creator keeps sending us messages to tell us that we need not fight or hurt one another as the message is one of LOVE.. Care compassion for one another and this amazing planet home EARTH...
 This reminded of the piece I wrote when the Zionist were having a heavy handed tantrum with Gaza in 2014 

Washing Day by Marjorie Bahhaj

Sabah el kheer Habibi you held me tight this morning ….your love strong inside me …our dance of love together a oneness we always enjoy. You are my strong husband that I adore.  I am happy to be your wife, my love.  But it is time for me to get dressed my love and get the children ready, I have the kobtz to bake and our breakfast to prepare.  The children have to be at school and have all my chores to do.  The washing to soak and thousand more things to do that every wife knows… 

You go with a gulp of coffee to your work at the hospital – lucky to have paid work many others have nothing.  You place a gentle kiss on my forehead as you leave your day to be long once more as mine.  The children gather books and grab the drinks I made for them through the hot day.   I have my chores to do….

The wind is calm today in the sunlight and good still for my washing to dry. I am happy thinking of you and our morning of love before you left for work… The clothes pegged on the line then the familiar noise that makes my heart pound fast the drones the whirring of the drones… I look between the sheets blowing on the line the sunlight streaming in my eyes.. then the loud bang the thud the feeling my heart is blown through my chest ....the screams around me..... then the moment of quiet … Where am I the landscape no longer familiar the rooftop no longer there just a mass of tangled rubble and twisted iron ….. My legs, my legs I cannot feel my legs…. what is that warm running from my head… The smell of burning bodies overwhelms me.  I reach to touch my head and my fingers are wet with blood.. but my legs I cannot feel my legs…. Then darkness and no sound……

The light pierces my eyes and I hear voices and cries and screams the sound of sirens, the sound of metal trolleys wheels that need oiling screeching their way down the corridor.... but what is this.... where am I….

"Aisha are you in pain?" "Aisha are you with us… look at me." There is a dark shadow of what I think is a man and the cold hands of someone holding my arms… I feel needles and I see a tangle of tubes… then my focus is clearing … doctors and nurses trying to hold me down … was I thrashing.... was I fighting.... I do not know … I hurt yet am numb… my legs I cannot feel my legs…. Why can I not feel my legs….. Doctor my legs.... the pain searing now in my thighs and my buttocks … I feel sick and my head spins … 

I hear.... did I hear..... what did he say..... what...... have I lost my legs did he say my legs have gone …how am I to dance again..... how am to walk and run
Then I hear a familiar sound, 
"Where is she?" a panic voice I know that voice but this tone unfamiliar. a voice that is usually calm and reassuring... Where is she?  tell me where is my wife….?

Abibi I try to call but my mouth cannot frame the words…. I see him there my handsome man my love of my life rushing to my side.... crying.... his eyes red his face shocked and in pain….

He leans down to kiss my forehead gentle as this morning but his tears fall on me I feel his body shake with sobs as he tries to lay his head on my shoulder 
"Abibi I love you" the words come from my mouth in a dry whisper…..
He sobs and holds my hand my wife my wife you are my life I thought I had lost you when they told me where the bomb had hit…

"The children are they safe….?" I ask
Abibi goes quiet and I see the pain in his eyes that tells me they are gone lost to this hatred of our race and the drive to take our land.  I try to cry but I am numb … confused a word they call surreal.  Then I try to put it all together I pegged the washing on the line and then......
Oh the bombs...... the bombs they send to kill us.... maim us.... warp and twist our lives and our homes with their anger. Yes I remember my day to be a normal day .....a day of many chores that a wife must have to do… but to have this pain is normal now in our land… 

Ceasefire an oasis of hope and peace but not usual, not normal in this war… pain the norm for us the days full of pain…..

"Abibi they have blown my legs away ….how am I to dance with you again…."

Women try to hold their families together in all sorts of circumstances.  But as mothers we have to ask ....what happens to our sons when they are so hell bent on making hell on this wonderful Earth.  Did we go wrong with our motherhood teaching and example or is this some distorted path that man must go on. No not must he should listen to the message of all religions, the biggest Jihad is the journey and war within SELF to rid self of egoless.... Control the failings of the Ego that separates us from the Divine love that created us all. To gain peace within will create peace without... Please listen we are all chosen to live on the planet home and we have to awaken to the need to be a Global Family not wars not conflicts but learning and sharing and growing with one another and evolving as peaceful beings... or we put ourselves on an irreversible pathway of destroying all......