Saturday 10 February 2018

Time to grow up with Hearts...

👩‍⚖️been in to London today for a Chant and Rant at the Russian Embassy for targeting civilians - all violations of Article 51 Geneva Convention ... none of us can rest when we know kids are being targeted and doctors and nurses caring for the injured....... Time man grew up out of this madness... A strong man to me is a man on a building site and a farmer working the land to build communities in peace..... not hurling bombs and missiles at one another..... gee was so cold too outside in the icy rain.... but so glad the embassy staff did not come out with cups of hot tea for us...they have a tendency to use polonium-210 tea bags ... and I prefer Yorkshire tea....... where a lot of problems discussed over a good cup of tea - we have learnt since the war of the roses and the two houses conflict of the House of Lancashire and the House of Yorkshire .... that fighting is MADNESS and too many good folk lost in the battle when all could be solved over a peace table and listening to one another.....GROW UP PUTIN you look a prat alongside your buddy Dr Death Assad... FAILED LEADERS have wars and conflicts.. the strong leader is the one with peace in his or her heart.....Thank you to our local Punjabi trader that helped with the cost of the lamination of my posters.. He said his heart was with us all and would stand with us if he could leave the shop.  See the message that comes to every religion and culture is PEACE LOVE HARMONY LOOK AFTER YOUR FELLOW MAN AND ALL CREATION..... but folk are so full of their selfish ego to not understand this and to open their hearts to the message.... Politics should be based on the fundamentals of being a Global Family together. Little beautiful Aisha that was killed in airstrikes I put her photo in the colours of the Suffragettes that we are commemorating this year on the centenary of women wining the right to votes.  The colours stand for Peace, Purity and Hope...... we need to hope that man will come to his senses and learn to live in Peace.