Sunday 30 April 2017

Mal policies and Frontline effect

"Theresa May has been condemned for refusing to accept the government’s public sector pay freeze could be responsible for reports that nurses are having to use food banks.
The prime minister was repeatedly challenged this morning by the BBC’s Andrew Marr over Royal College of Nursing figures that show some nurses have had a 14% pay cut since 2010 and are having to resort to using food banks in order to eat."

Mrs May also was insistent she did believe in the welfare state but continued to say that the best way out of poverty is to work.  Yet many are put in work that is basic minimum wage and does not shift them out of poverty. Or the work offered is on Zero hour contracts that give instability of earning power. Clearly we have a problem if professionals working hard in nursing shifts -often working through shifts with no breaks and getting off late are then found to need foodbanks to survive? There are those that feel hassled into work when deemed unfit for work by GP yet independent private contractor assessors are refuting the GPs and patients illness. I have seen in the local jobcentre folk on crutches neck braces and in obvious pain asked to seek work... even a chap with Alzheimer's asked to look for work... and we have over 60s that have worked hard all their life and are knackered with the work they have put in over the years, FORBIDDEN their State Pension because of discrimination on birth year.... yet in working time have actually given free hours to organisations by working through breaks and off late out of dedication to work...... This is where it hurts that she will not see this ..... and when folk assessed by their GP and considered UNFIT for work WHY with in 2 days of submitting a sick note does the DWP send a work capability form..... surely the sick can get some peace to respond to treatments to heal, so be well enough to get back to work... ?? the DWP hassle actually creates more stress and worsening of condition. Cancer patients to 2015 survivorship report told to return to work as the survivorship can no longer be funded by Welfare.... Some can only operate for a few hours a day for personal needs never mind go out to work.... and still on long term medication .... so this is where is hurts the C missing from Conservatives is Compassion....... 

I have always been proud to pay tax since my first job in 1969 into a system that had compassion at its core. An NHS to give care free at the point of access - though not free as paid for by tax and NI contributions, but I remember my mother saying of the stress of not being able to afford the doctor to come to family members in the early 1900s - surely we became a mature caring society to have the NHS... and I have been proud to pay tax for welfare to help others in need and for the time I am in need of help... BUT I AM ASHAMED OF THE LACK OF CARE AND CUTS IN SERVICES AND WELFARE FOR THOSE IN NEED NOW.... I must remind Mrs May that it was a very wise politician that put the Welfare State in place to harmonise and care for society at a time when as now the rich were getting richer and the poor getting poorer.  ... it is a very FOOLISH ONE to dismantle it ...... we all pay tax in some shape of form so could the PM give us a full account sheet of where it goes...? and I mean a full audit...... no good saying we put this million in this and that without a audit and measure of outcome. it is more than signing of cheques for seen problems and thinking problem solved we need transparency on where the money is going..... as folk on the frontline are suffering and we are NOT GOING TO VOTE for MORE PAIN... we all have the right to FINANCIAL DIGNITY.........A society without compassion ceases to be a society!

WE must also think that tax money circulates... tax paid for NHS pays health professionals and managers and ancillary staff.... they pay tax out of their wages back to the treasury.
Tax paid for Welfare pays for the DWP staff who pay tax so circulates back to the treasury.  People on benefits pay tax on VAT goods & fuel, they try to purchase with their by law poverty allowance of £73.10 a week out of which they pay housing cap and council tax, food be it minimal food and attempt to get clothing?

Mrs May's designer kitten shoes cost more than 2 weeks benefits if not a month on some of the shoes we see. Somewhat insensitive it is not mandatory to have designer this and that for PMs - unless a deal is struck with designers and profit goes to charity. Or go to promote British goods with a charity pay of commission on orders generated to those in need. 

On the subject of charity there are many that volunteer to help fill the gap in services through charity organisations.  They are hardworking but are not offered paid contracts as the charity will only have limited funds for paid posts.  So some of the volunteers may be on benefits..... could the Prime Minister acknowledge this situation and those doing good work with volunteer work be recognised with some funding to keep them out of debt and poverty hardship....

It is complex on the frontline and a good leader listens to the frontline to make their decisions for the whole of the troops to be safe & protected from no harm.  

Thank Goodness for Corbyn and his style of true leadership where the people are listened too and are the power he wishes to drive for the benefit of the many not the few
Strong stable leadership needs this quality!