Wednesday 19 April 2017

Bringing it Home about Aleppo

Just found this link in my facebook newsfeed from the Arab-British Centre they found the news story in Time Out.... Hans Hack a data visualiser has superimposed the attacks and damage in Aleppo on a map of London and the results are shocking.  London has been bombed in the past WW2 blitz but this brings home todays warfare from a land that is heartbreakingly horrendous to watch..... and we cannot seem to stop the madness of a regime attacking its own land and citizens.  A failed Doctor leader that has imposed some auto-attack disease on the land and people he is supposed to have a State Duty of Care to protect and respect.... !! Madness beyond madness.... !!!!

Time we did have Time Out of the madness and horrors and get justice and peace.. 

You can read more in the link and see the interactive map...