Saturday 22 April 2017

Taxpayers Against Poverty

Now these are interesting questions with some very worrying stats on the failed badly written policies of this Tory Government.... 
"Our firsts batch of questions for all Parliamentary Candidates - the next will focus on housing, Each questions is prefaced with.
That the NHS has reported that over 7300 people were admitted to hospital with malnutrition in 2014/15. Up 50% in the four years since 2010?…/food-bank-britain-a…
That the Office for National Statistics has revealed an unprecedented increase in deaths in 2015 after decades of improvement?…/an-unprecedented-rise-in-uk-de…/
That the regressive impact of the market and austerity has damaged the health and wellbeing of millions of citizens since 1979 and in particular since 2010?…/tap-health-equality…
That because rents are rising faster than incomes The Resolution Foundation has forecast ever lower incomes after housing costs reducing by 16% for the poorest citizens over the next four years while the highest incomes rise 4%?…/2017/01/Audit-2017.pdf
That Income Support, Employment Support Allowance and Jobseekers Allowance all at £73.10pw and Universal Credit of £317pm are too low live on AND have to pay rent due to the bedroom tax and council tax.…/the-great-injustice…
That given what we know about the physical and emotional costs of moving house, the vulnerability of children’s education to frequent moves and the disruption to schooling and social networks, that councils are demolishing council estates rather than maintaining them?…/412554-Housing-as-a-Platform-for-Imp…
To allow the UK to sleepwalk into a proliferation of insecure work which is short sighted, damages health and costs the taxpayers?…/allowing-uk-to-slee…
In 2010 it was estimated that inequalities in health accounted for productivity losses of £31-£33 billion per year, and £20-£32 billion a year in lost taxes and higher welfare payments. Additional NHS healthcare costs associated with inequality were estimated to be in excess of £5.5 billion a year?…/health-inequalities…