Wednesday 19 April 2017

Make it simple

Life has suddenly become big mandates and rising polls - limp polls and not so sure what the heck is going on polls.......with electoral fatigue and stress! No not tonight darling got an headache ohh no not again... with your big mandate..rising poll.... ! 

Just thinking we are not really seeing any good marketing skills on products. 
The products being manifestos from the parties wishing to sell to become governments in power. 

A key is not to criticise your competitor yet we have seen in PMQs our present PM mega cristicising the opposition parties - with some outright bullying of the Labour party leader.  

Does not make for good PR or marketing.  Certainly is a move to put you off this kind of attitude.  There is no demonstration of compassion or respect and this is what we are all needing at the moment.  We are sick to death of the world politics with wars and argey bargey ... with a referendum vote that has been a major cock up creating division not unity.... and with the instigator of this doing a runner..... and in some fairness landing our present PM in the left over debris of a badly managed show... All parties are split yes even the Tory party of which our present PM is trying to bluff us in to thinking they are together... but really are not...because the referendum was a circus act of the illusionist cutting a body in two and not able to put it together again..... we have seen some horrid attitudes and exposures of inner selves... the phenomena of trolls on the social media an amazing insight into the pain & darkness many carry in their social perspective on life.  

So what are we going to do folks?  Will we all just go on holiday to our favourite European destinations in June and leave them all arguing among themselves and stuff the ballot box... or will we try and have our voices heard and our wishes for a peaceful life restored.

There are some learning curves from marketing found for party PR to consider to help us make a choice....

Compare, Don't Criticize
It’s natural for customers to compare products. They're looking for the best quality as well as the best value. There’s nothing wrong with comparing your products with your competitors’. But there are acceptable and unacceptable ways to do that. It’s acceptable to give a side by side comparison of features, for example. This is factual communication, not criticism.
The Business World Can Be a Jungle
Life isn’t fair. You may have the best product in the world, but that isn’t enough to succeed. You’ve got to get across the benefits of your product to a wide audience.


I think we all just need a simple run down on each parties manifestos with questions answered on 

1. How can you reduce the cost of living to free us all up from major headache of prices going up and up for basic needs, With this rid the need for foodbanks and help us have enough funds for our needs and save some funds for the future?

2. How are you going to give us all financial dignity and with this financial freedom for our families. Thus help the wider market economy with the new spending power we have had stunted with politically induced austerity in previous governments. 

3. How will you solve the housing crisis that has fermented over the last 30 years with insufficient building to accommodate the population explosion we and the rest of the world are in.

4. What shelter dignity can you offer until enough housing is generated for us all?  Sorry but have to put a critique in at this stage for all parties - A failed leader is one that has people on the streets!! not a failing of the person on the street but failure of social support and provision of needs.

5.What clinical provision are you going to make in the NHS for the growing population? with this will there be a review of hospital closures when logic says we need more support per capita not less.

6. How you going to provide education for the growing population and with this ensure an harmonious learning environment for both pupils and teachers, so that creativity and intellectual capacity is allowed to blossom to full potential?

7. How you going to help those that can work to get work to support their families? This must have stability of work not Zero hours contracts as you cannot get a mortgage to house buy on a zero contract.. The whole of capitalism needs predictable earnings not unpredictable precarious earnings. On work with the DWP how you going to make this a good journey not one of hassle and shoving folk into jobs that do not fit their capability or stimulate them to rich their full potential in career development?  The present contracted private companies to get folk into work have unrealistic targets and rather than support a person on a journey to find work they get hassle to get off benefits.  Will there be reward for the volunteer sector for the hours they contribute.

8. Who is going to show compassion to the sick and vulnerable in society to help them heal and be supported in a humane caring way not be a like a parcel on a conveyor belt shoved through to meet unrealistic targets.  We are all Mind Body and Spirit and all need to be in harmony to be able to heal and achieve wellness. How will you help our elderly population that have been the fabric of our society for their lifetime and deserve respectful care. Who will care for the carers from Doctors nurses to family carers?

9. How you going create fairness with a downspill of profits to help those creating the profits =the shopfloor workers that any company relies on to make that company survive. 

10. The environment how are you going to build houses but keep green spaces? How are you going to power the society without creating harm to the environment.  So solar panels or fracking, pavegen or nuclear come on we need manifesto to respect this Earth this one planet home we all share.  So who will ensure we protect our planet?  How we going to help farmers to feed and sustain us...

11. How are we to stop the insanity and stupidity of wars and weapons = so who is going to be brave enough to be strong enough to be peaceful and not rely on a strong economy from the manufacture and selling of arms.. 

12. Who is going to be a model leader for all and be the peacemaker and respect all and help to bring to justice to those that create pain in the world for others. Who is going to reform existing law and judicial systems that often let down victims of crime - but also let down offenders in their need to reform their behaviour to prevent their cycle of criminal activity.

What of the mess that has been created with this Brexit from our European friends and fellow global family members...? Who can steer us through a good deal to suit all and keep harmony to be able to achieve so much together.  We have common problems to solve and need to help one another surely?  We need to trade with one another both EU and Global but in healthy trading not destructive trading...

So who can offer a product with all these questions answered?