Saturday 29 April 2017

For the many

Image result for for the many not the few jeremy corbyn
For the many not the few - financial dignity for the many not the few is what I would like to see. Dignity and respect for all is vital with compassion for the needy as a society without compassion ceases to be a society. 

Interesting facebook interaction: 

"Colin Andrew comments: I have a horrible feeling that Jeremy Corbyn will do better than many people expect. He has this very genuine view that the poor, ignorant, ill educated , dispossessed and socially inadequate citizens get a bad deal. He may be right.
The snag,as always , is that the working tax payer has to pick up the pieces and pay for the less fortunate members of society. The art of politics is knowing where to draw the line and how much tax you can extract from contributers to pay towards supporting non contributors"
Colin Andrew dear me Colin open up your frame of reference Doctors are well educated they are being listened to by Jeremy that there is a real crisis in the NHS ...teachers are well educated and being listened to by Jeremy that there is a real crisis in the educational system.... Architects Engineers and Economist are well educated and Jeremy is listening to them that the housing and infrastructure and economy is in crisis ... so who are the ignorant you imply to ........ and a tax payer is all that are on this land from dwellers to tourists to business visitors to migrants as we all have to pay VAT on goods road tax nearly every move we make is taxed... some have had to pay tax to come here on visa application...... those on benefits pay tax on the goods they try to buy with the minimal by present Tory driven law £73.10 a week.... that amount in not jolly hols spending money but they have to pay some council tax to housing to electric to gas to food to clothing... as they are able...... so I suggest you look with a wider lens on life and with an open heart and see that what is happening in our land - that is many are treated unfairly while the few enjoy the fruits of the many..... and suggest you direct your criticism to the Panama hat wearers that leech YOUR tax and others to stuff in to some bank for own needs. We also need to look at tyrants making a fortune out of property in our land and then causing utter havoc in the world to create displaced citizens of their home land to seek safety from their tyrannical rule and attacks upon them....... I think really we have a need to drain a swamp here - you need to ask where is EVERYONE's TAX going as clearly services are suffering and there is evidence of mis-management of our resources...