Saturday 8 April 2017

Demo today in response to Chemical attacks

well as an Anglo Saxon indigenous Brit that has never been to Syria but is well read on the country TODAY I saw first hand & experienced the aggression and the violent behaviour of the Assad Regime.... from Pro Assad supporters in London verbally and physically attacking demonstrators - Demonstrators against the horrid killing fest that the regime is exerting in Syria. SHAMEFUL REGIME they showed to all the world their aggression. Marble Arch there was a nasty incident that our wonderful Police helped to protect our demo from and in Oxford Street a woman Pro Assad supporter so demented with her aggression her husband had to restrain her...!!!. coins where thrown at us as missiles to hurt.... I am so grateful to the team of police officers that were there to protect us... Their body cameras have the evidence and it showed them how aggressive the Assad regime can be..... and this on the streets of London...... a host country where they show no respect for our land.
HAD MY EYES OPENED BIG TIME TODAY... otherwise we had a peaceful demo with some of the crowds applauding us ....

One tourist from Indonesia got off the tour bus to come and hold the Syria revolution flag and told me had to do this as this week cried and cried seeing the chemical attack on kids - kids same age as mine he told me... so felt as a father for the loss of the children.... So he wanted to come and support the demo to help him with his pain too on what he had seen this week. Syria Solidarity Campaign looked after us with wonderful food in Whitehall.... Shukran all.....

FREE FREE SYRIA FROM AN OPPRESSIVE AGGRESSIVE DISREPECTFUL OF LIFE REGIME..... how can anyone support a war criminal? ...but they have their ID exposed now for the ICC as anyone that supports a mass murderer is as guilty as those that issue the commands and exert those command to attack civilians, attack babies, attack kids attack hospitals and doctors and nurses..... even our own British doctors out helping have been targeted by this foul evil regime......