Friday 14 April 2017

Why now..?

This does ask a very important question yes why is that one not provoking international action yet another does?  Why now the mass condemnation and attempts to get Assad and Putin to stop massacres?  No matter the material used the main issue is Article 51 of the Geneva Convention is being contravened.  Rules of combat state no civilians should be targeted rather they be protected and certainly no hospitals and health care personnel should be targeted rather they should be protected.  All rules have been broken from day one of Assad attacking his opposition.  Opposition to his overt corruption and inner circle that live off the proceeds of corruption..... circles extend around the world that live in the pockets of his corruption.  Hence why now we are seeing fierce attempts to negate the whole war..... and the aggression we saw last week in London from the regime supporters towards our protest also show that 1. they fear losing their status in the circle and 2. They can feel that the regime is coming to an end.  

Now we have had an amazing week of international debate and emergency gatherings and the independent action of the US.....

Then now we have a most amazing behavioral pattern from Assad.... claims none of this happened ....I suppose it is a dream like Bobby had in Dallas...... the last 6 yrs been a fantasy..... according to Pinocchio Dr Death Assad.......BUT Bless his little cotton socks he is getting scaaaared that the ICC doors are opening for him ..... the lengths a perpetrator will go to to make out he did nothing.....!!!!!

The more he talks the more he is showing guilt... he is beginning to look gaunt .. all the inner circle are trying to reinforce his denial in a desperate attempt to help him promote his delusions and propaganda.  

In Dr Death Assad interview this week we saw no pain towards the citizens killed... no anxiousness towards the families .... a complete detachment from their suffering and a most amazing accusation that all were acting death and destruction.  

It is majorly time this failed doctor, failed leader and failed human being was brought to accountability in the International Criminal Court of Justice.

Time a new constitution was written.  The conference that was held in London on the reconstruction that gave a feeling many are wanting to profit from this... needs to be challenged.  Yes there needs a rebuild but there should be no one individual or company or group gaining profits for their personal gain... it should be part of the reparation to victims... there have been so many lives lost and broken with a great displacement of Syrian is only fair and just that they are compensated for this...