Tuesday 25 April 2017

Delusion creates pain

Sharing these words written by Bronwen another activist friend of mine in the Syria Solidarity UK group.  Her post "I wrote this is response to the gas attack on the town of Khan Sheikhun in Syria. Yesterday the Russians/regime bombed a busy market, killing several civilians."

My reaction to this for all to read and see and hear with their hearts:
Sharing to remind you behind smokescreens of Elections the pain and destruction goes on ... and Bronwen's words are powerful indeed... words more powerful than these deluded despots on their killing sprees... Earth Blossoms Stars Pearls all part of a power Greater than all....we are made in love by the Creator of all and told time and time again to love one another and care for one another - not let deluded ego create darkness in the world.... but still man is so stupid not to listen and continues to lust for a deluded illusion of self power and creates more and more pain in the world....

Wake up man evolve come on put KIND back into manKIND and stop your craziness in this beautiful world!!