Sunday 19 February 2017

Eddie Izzard Article

Eddie Izzard has written a good thought provoking article in The New Europe - he has entitled it Hate is easy. beguiling and powerful ....but we can defeat it

My immediate reaction to this is yes with the stronger energy of Love which is easy and beguiling and much more powerful..... Love can be the remover barriers and with love there are no barriers..... it is only man that erects the walls and creates all this hate in the world..... Hate is from lack of understanding it is the Khali, the blood dripping skull wearing goddess seen in Hindusim.. representing the ugliness of man created hate evil and results in death and destruction.  In the festival of Navarati  the 9 day festival  there is a 3 day period of Khali to see the ignorance of man and the power of evil, then there are the 3 days for Saraswati the Goddess of knowledge that dispels the ignorance.. leading to the 3 days looking at Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth - often seen as many has Earth wealth of money but is the spiritual wealth that knowledge brings and brings you closer to Gods love energy and oneness with this power.  

So the topic has been questioned and explored through eons of time.. as we seem to make the same mistake over and over again... not disciplining ego that creates hate and the distorted deluded destructive power it brings with it. The energy it brings with it is heavy sticky tenacious toxic and destructive.... and is fear driven..... fear of oneself of self being lost to love of others thus eroding the delusion of self power over others, hate is driven by fear of others and paranoia. It is toxic to self as indeed others it affects... it can be the root not only of evil horrors but self illness... as holding on to hate erodes the owner of his or her very being.  So maybe not a beguiling as one would think... 

Hate does have a fascination to many as it is the dark side of oxytocin the 9 chain amino acid that is commonly the love hormone that gives us the feeling of well being and euphoric high..... Some can find this euphoria in hate and violence as a perceived delusion of a power over another.  

So it is complex.... 

But lets look more at Eddies article he opens with a stark warning... and something a real projection that if we do not stop and think we in our lust for power and hate and suspicion of one another we could lose the lot. We have the tools for the ultimate destruction of one another and this wonderful planet. Tools not to be played with in heated exchange when a calm peace table of discussion would be the better option!! 
I think we could be in our last century on Earth. Keep on the way we’re going and we’re going to wipe ourselves off the planet. We’ve had the tools to do it for a while. We invented dynamite in 1860, the hydrogen bomb in 1950, and who knows what the hell we’ve invented by now.
He challenges our present day hates from Brexit and Trump and all the division this is causing. But in this extract indicates that the US and Europe is the hope when in fact the people are simply wanting a safe conflict free place to be... Back in their homeland they want peace to be able to live their lives together. The US and Europe have not been the only place to escape too.. Some have traveled East and some South... anywhere where they have an open door and welcomed to safety.  The irony is Morocco has opened its doors since the beginning of the Syrian war.. as indeed they did for the Jews in WW2 yet we have seen many Moroccans riding on the backs of refugees in that trek across Europe fleeing poverty.  A poverty their King is trying to address...and opened up the parliament to be more democratic.  There have been some great initiatives such as mega investment in solar power.  
 Instead we listen to false facts, untruths and downright lies which make us pull away from our fellow human beings. We turn our backs to the desperate who once saw us as a shining example of hope and fairness. We build walls and issue travel bans to keep out the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
This extract below is very powerful challenging how we have become so hate driven.  There is a valid point of those that troll in the social media.  In fact I have been suggesting we have a psychology course on Trollogy as there is a very strange insight into someones thinking and inner perspective... A warped delusion of hate to another of needed to ruffle feathers were those feathers are peace driven and full of love.  There is yes almost a repetition over and over and over again of Christ on the Cross... the amazing example of love care compassion and healing yet we ego filled humans of the time ridiculed and tortured and hammered on a cross.... a cross that if you look at its from says cross out the I the ego the I-ism that creates pain and hate and evil in the world. But the love shone through and changed so many lives for the better. 
 How did we get here? Because hating is easier than loving. Hate is a weapon and in politics it seems more powerful than love. Hate is beguiling. You can hate on your own, like drinking on your own. You can sit at your laptop in your bedroom looking for someone to hate and you can find them and troll them and abuse them without even leaving your bedroom.
Some of this emotion has always been with us. Some of it started in 2008, when there was a financial crisis caused by very greedy people who made tons of money through the sub-prime market and they didn’t give a damn about anyone else. That collapse hurt the poorest people, the ones who are now being called ‘the forgotten’. The UK government decided they would try to fix it with austerity, and guess who lost out again? The poorest people, the forgotten.
This paragraph on the financial crisis a mega example of greed the lust for greed at the expense of another.  How this backfired on all and created the turmoil we are seeing....  We all need financial dignity in this world that barters in £$££$£$ not just free spirit of love and care and compassion.  Even care is wrapped in £$£$£$£ ...... our beloved NHS free at the point of delivery of care is the subject of arguments over £$££$£$£  

As I have traveled over this period of time in Morocco, Turkey and Greece and seen in our capital of London  We see people just desperate to live in dignity. Trying their best to earn a living be that in professional jobs and be able to meet the cost of living or the man pulling the donkey drawn cart full of fruit in his daily trek to the local souk (market). I have seen the deepening widening division of the rich and the poor.  A recipe for disaster and been seen time over time before as a recipe for revolution and pain... and still we have not learnt to have a more fair distribution of wealth and with that the financial dignity we all have the right to have.  It is so frustrating seeing traders with wonderful products but people not buying .  They want to buy but do not have the funds to buy... either dropping more and more into poverty with no money free to buy, or maxed out on the Goddess Visa illusionary money... and some do have money but are holding back at the turmoil now is so great with so much uncertainty in the world that they hold back on spending.   

The echos of the 1930s are being heard with all the growth in the far right attitudes that is so ego driven to be protectionist to their perceived values.. they blame others for the being and then wish to destroy or inhibit others... when the situation is more complex and needs us to STOP AND THINK 
we need a fairer way for one another, no poverty no wars and no conflicts. 

The one stabilizing factor put in place by wise politicians is the Welfare state to help those in need of an helping hand to improve life when times are hard.  It is a very foolish politician to destroy this welfare state till we find a more fairer distribution of wealth and learn to care for one another and share with one another as a Global Family 

To stop that happening we need to stop separating from the world and to start working together in the world. We need to stop going backwards and start looking forwards.
Yes this is so true of Eddie to say... so come on lets get it together....