Saturday 18 February 2017

Random Gallery

A random collection of my activism over the last 3 a retired BSc RN RM that has a passion for care, compassion and justice.  A woman that becomes a Lioness when she sees children hurt because Adults cannot be adult enough to get round peace-tables.  Adults that cannot be mature enough to let go of egos that cast darkness in the world with selfish greed and lust of a deluded power.  
My concerns are on Domestic and International affairs where there is man made pain and anguish caused. For this as a Nurse Midwife and human being I have concerns on the increasing poverty in the world, when really we have enough resources for all in the world.  All we need is fair distribution of resources and for all to have financial dignity.  I am concerned over our NHS and the increased demands that have now become intolerable with cutbacks on under budgets ...then somehow the thought that throwing money at the problem with solve it... All needs to be driven by care and compassion not people feeling like parcels on a factory floor conveyor belt.  I am concerned from my recent years work with a Community Cancer Centre run by patients on the need to improve cancer care with a more holistic approach.  As a expert by experience I am concerned with the need to improve the care and support pathway of victims of domestic violence and abusive controllers..   

With all this my view as become global as I see people in pain from conflicts and oppression..... So in this blog there will be a look at issues around the world and the effects on people needing support.  I have been working with refugees and will share my journey of learning and discovery on how to better support those in need. 

In among this is the Brexit issues and how it will affect us all and international trade and movement. Then we have the Trump fella to keep an eye on with his administration of the USA.... 

There will be continued concern for the need to get those guilty of international crimes against humanity brought to justice as we see Article 51 violations in areas of conflict..... and we need to keep a further eye on North Korea with its leader continually flashing his missiles......

So a busy blog to come as I build this up.... in a World in a Turmoil that needs to learn to become a Global Family of caring for one another and sharing with one another - for the good of all.... not the few... And we need to stop the paranoia and the fear mongers trying to cause havoc - when we all could have creative expression, fulfillment and enjoy our time on this amazing home Planet Earth... A Planet home we need to respect and take care of not destroy with crazy ill thought out policies and actions.....