Sunday 19 February 2017

What for our children

This is an heartbreaking image of the child alone... with a wall of riot police to protect the child or block the child?  The two eye reference points show the harsh contrast.  A Child should be in a soft, colourful, fun creative environment with love and hugs and care and laughter and sharing... An environment to explore and grow in knowledge and understanding to lay down the foundation of his or her future as one of a wider community.  

Here in this image is fear despair agony and such utter loneliness yet so many adults there.  We could see them as protecting him our blocking him... where are his parents are they there at the other side of the wall of police or not... is he alone in this place totally without friends and support.  The harshness of the railway line and this harsh wall of adults in combat protective gear ... creates just a major barrier.  Yet soldiers look to the boy but there is no love in their eyes..... no rush to comfort and help and care and console the boy... What are we doing as a Global Family ? Can we ever see ourselves as a family? Can we put KIND back into manKIND?  We all have the same feelings and emotions the same nervous system, the same biology but some thing is bringing us out of kilter out of synchrony with one another? 

I am reflecting to my time in the refugee camp and have a memories of the police and army playing with the kids in the camp.  As father to child... though the police had gun in holster there was a softness of Father heart open to a child to play and smile and laugh together.  

All this aggro towards refugees that are fleeing the man made pain of a Despot in Syria a failed Doctor a Failed Leader and a Failed human being .. that turned on his citizens because they wanted their voices heard.... Shouldn't we be looking back to the cause of this problem and get the criminal regimes brought to accountability... ? Assad with his buddy Putin have so many crimes against humanity to stand trial for.. Even in all the Trump and Brexit and EU debates and media frenzy smokescreens more have been targets in Syria ... more lives been lost or destroyed in sledgehammer approaches of air strikes .... 

Oh dear me we have the word terrorist banded around to justify the action... yet there is no justification in hammering at civilians who are simply against the regime and need their voices and concerns heard to create as we all should have Open Society Democracies..  Not Demonocracy of one set of ideology oppressing another and hurting and killing and torturing others perceived to be a threat to their ideology!!

We have to watch for this Fake News term now being banded around... even Dr Death Assad while holding photos of the people that his regime have tortured is now trying to hide behind this this term now - Fake News... All the barrel bombing over the last years will now be tried to be defined as Fake News.. !!!!!! Disgusting & shameful but so so typical of an abusive perpetrator of crimes on his victims.... They like to look as if Snow White and Goodies Two Shoes on a campaign against what they would like the world to see as evil victims.... But we can see through it all. 

The evidence is there for all to see of the crimes against humanity. 

Refugees lives have been turned upside down, homes destroyed, lives destroyed, hopes and dreams destroyed..... families torn apart that once were together as strong supports for one another... the layers upon layers of grief I am seeing as I listen and counsel my refugee family is so heartbreaking... The pain of war and conflict is too much and we must always make sure we can prevent this pain... 

Children should not be killed, hurt in pain and anguish because Adults cannot get round a peace table and talk listen and understand one another. Compromise with Compassion for one another. 

Jasmine is the national flower of Syria a sweet smelling flower 
but now bloodstained in the country that has lost its dignity 
from a failed leader.  
But dignity will be restored..