Tuesday 21 February 2017

Siege Watch

You can download this report from this link - it is alarming the way warfare is now to entrap civilians and deprive them of their basic human rights to food and water.  This is appalling in 2017 that man has not evolved to sit round peace tables and work out issues in harmony and to put KIND in manKIND.. Time we grew and stop making a world of man made Turmoil.... We all have the right to peace and harmony. we all have the right to Maslow's heirarchy of needs... and we all have the right to dignity and in this respect all live and creation on this planet..  

So many crimes against humanity to be brought to the International Criminal Court.... Time for accountability..... and not be skirting round situations.... it is appalling that any "leader" of any country can order this... it is appalling and treacherous that any military commander can order this and see this through... without any regard for civilians to Article 51 of the Geneva Convention..... 


a joint initiative of PAX and The Syria Institute. The Siege Watch project aims to provide the international community with up-to-date information on Syria’s besieged communities, where trapped civilians suffer in inhumane circumstances with little help from the outside world. Data is collected on an ongoing basis from an extensive network of reporting contacts on the ground and disseminated through in-depth quarterly reports,