Thursday 23 February 2017

Keep your missiles zipped up lads

President Trump
Sky News are reporting that Mr T wants to increase his nuclear missiles to keep top of the pack with Putin and that Ping Pong chap in North Korea.

so Freudian when lads need to make up for their deficit with large missiles !!! 

I say keep the dam things zipped up lads.... this Earth is so beautiful and for us all ... we do not want it turned into a pile of dust.....

There was a report yesterday of some Earth like planet found in stars but like it takes quite a few years to get there let alone see if we can live there...

No lads keep the dam things zipped up ... buy a nice big peace table with matching chairs and sit and talk your problems through not make more pain and destruction on this one home for us ALL..  Planet Earth....... go for a walk in the garden and tell me - can you make a flower... no.. look up at the sky can you make the sky - no.... look to the moon and sun and the stars can you make these No .. so admit you are not greater that the Divine Creator of all... So deflate the deluded egos that thinks they are greater .... and be humble and have humility and most of all have care and compassion for all...... 

Man makes a lot of problems from his deluded paranoia and ego.... time to put KIND back into ManKIND...... for the sake of us all.....