Saturday 25 February 2017

Syria : February 2017 Monthly Forecast : Security Council Report

Time for Peace 
I could put you pictures of the destruction and the horrors of the children in A/E BUT instead just look now at the stats below from this Security Council Report.  Tell me why can Adults not be Adults and evolve to resolve issues round peace tables.... Why did a Doctor yes a Doctor that became a failed leader of Syria do this to the people..... A good leader values his or her people... seeing them not as a threat but the biggest asset they have.  All people need is to be valued and in that value to be listened too... to have their voices heard... Usually voices are loud because there is some problem that is hurting them.  That was the issue in the beginning of this war... peaceful protests turned in to these stats below.   That perpetrator yes Dr Assad should have listen when the world shouted stop.... when you look a the Security Council link you will see that so much work and negotiations have gone into this war to stop the madness. 
Nearly six years since the start of a war that has exacted a death toll approaching 500,000, left 700,000 living under siege after the evacuation of eastern Aleppo and displaced half of the Syrian population, including 4.86 million refugees, the essential issue for the Council is to exert effective leadership in supporting a cessation of hostilities and efforts to reach a political solution.
Syria : February 2017 Monthly Forecast : Security Council Report
SyriaExpected Council ActionIn February, Council members expect to receive the regular monthly briefings on the humanitarian and political situations in Syria. Council members will be following closely the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva, scheduled to be held in February.On chemical weapons, Council members will consider the next report of the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), which is due in mid-February. At press time, it was unclear if a draft resolution, circulated by France and the UK, to impose sanctions on the Syrian government for the use of chemical weapons against its own population, would be put to a vote. Similarly, it was unclear what the next steps might be regarding a Russian draft resolution that focuses on chemical weapons use in Syria by non-state actors and terrorists.
Now we have the issue of this word Terrorist - a terrorist can be defined by an autocratic regime as anyone that speaks up against that regime... so then we have response by the regime that then is behaving like a terrorist in their actions.  Total madness... people abducted and tortured... people barrel bombed with the contents of those bombs to inflict as much injury as possible on any that remained alive.  What evil minds think this up and exerts commands to do such.  Crimes against humanity will need to be accounted for on all the evidence accrued.   Those that have joined in the madness replicating the crimes and totally ignoring Article 51 of the Geneva Convention.  The double tap airstrikes a particular fiendish order.  To drop bombs on civilians - of course by the despotic regimes defined as terrorists so in their book justified!!!! but no attack on civilians is justified.... and certainly in my book no bombs and weapons should be needed if we become evolved societies.  But to then order a time lapse for a second drop on the target when rescuers are trying to scrabble through the debris to find those still alive .... is completely monstrous and from someone that is so empty inside and devoid of any care compassion and mercy.....  

The situation in Syria is a pain and anguish from a double headed monster... that shares the same body of hate and evil..... so we have the Assad regime and the Black Clad criminal group the world calls isis/daesh and in many peoples perception constitutes the terrorist....They are for sure Dogs from Hell as indeed Dr Assad too ... no matter how he likes to portray himself as Goodie Two shoes.... no one can go in a Mosque, kneel on a prayer mat while they are ordering kids and civilians to be killed......all that are in that place with him are dogs from hell not worshiping the love and light of Allah the arabic for God but the darkness of Satan..... Likewise no one can go in a church and temple and appear to be goodie two shoes when at the same time are ordering killing of others... It clearly means no one is understanding the message that keeps coming to us Homo Sapiens from messengers from the Divine... "to kill is a sin and a product of a dark ego.  Better to love and care and be merciful to one another and all creation.  Respect one another and this planet." 

It is more than time all this madness stopped... Children should not be losing their future, killed or maimed because Adults cannot be Adult enough to get round peace tables and more more important PUT DOWN WEAPONS . Stop making weapons ... stop making money out of weapons and learn to be constructive not destructive.......

If we are to have future generations - in the hope we do not do the most mad thing and destroy all... so if we are to have future generations... Please stop and think are they to look back at this time now with Shame as it is indeed shameful the World in all its Turmoil   ..... OR are they to see us turn around from now and see the error of our ways ....and then look back with pride that man finally learned the lesson and put KIND back into manKIND...... 

The choice is not completely ours but for our future being and our future generations.... we need to stop being selfish and be selfless and care for one another.  Look at this all the effort in 2012 to find solutions and still it escalated because of a despotic paranoic ego that would not stop the madness. 

Action group for Syria: Action Group members came together out of grave alarm at the situation in Syria. They strongly condemn the continued and escalating killing, destruction and human rights abuses. They are deeply concerned at the failure to protect civilians, the intensification of the violence, the potential for even deeper conflict in the country, and the regional dimensions of the problem. The unacceptable nature and magnitude of the crisis demands a common position and joint international action.