Saturday 25 February 2017

Perth and Sadiq

Sadiq Khan will address the Scottish Labour conference in Perth today (Photo: Getty)

Seems to have been a storm up in Scotland with some of the Mayor of Londons comments in his speech... at the Labour conference...
Scottish nationalism is comparable to the divisive policies of Donald Trump because both pit one section of society against another, Sadiq Khan will say today. The Mayor of London will tell Scottish Labour’s spring conference that seeking to break up the Union will only serve to fuel the harmful divisions caused by the election of the controversial US President and the Brexit vote.

In a strong condemnation of the SNP’s drive for a second referendum on independence, he will claim there is “no difference” between Scottish nationalism and “those who try to divide us on the basis of our background, race or religion”.
Read more at:

This has upset the Scottish as the SNP is not seen as divisive but inclusive.. All they wish is their independence from the Union so that they can decide what is best for all the citizens of the country of Scotland....... I think this is the issue for so long we have seen the Great Britain as one country but it is made up of a union of Scotland, England; Wales and Northern Ireland...I feel less upset with the SNP than the BNP... as the British National Party is more divisive and demonstrates hatred for immigrants....

But I have highlighted this comment in the facebook link that seems to have put all in perspective.... Good comment on this found and tend very much to agree with Anthony so very good points......

"Anthony Sutherland Goskirk Holroyd Deeply disappointed in you Sadiq, you know full well that Scottish nationalism is about inclusion and internationalism. I voted yes in 2014 because I don't want to live in a country of intolerance and small minded bigotry. I'll vote yes again if there's another independence referendum because in the aftermath of Brexit Scotland showed itself to be a bastion of acceptance and diversity whilst England saw racially motivated assaults rise dramatically. Don't pretend not to understand the difference between xenophobic, close minded British nationalism and inclusive, internationalist scottish nationalism. You do yourself and your party a great diservice and will achieve nothing except losing the support and respect of Scottish voters like me who thought for a brief glimmering second that you where different. That you where honest and that you had a shred of integrity."
But this now is so reflective of the turmoil that the Brexit issue has made. Cameron in his party manifesto before his election did not talk of referendum - it talked of reform of the stance with the EU but not referendum.... The shock wave the result of to leave has caused so much arguement and division... with even families split on the issues.  In among this it as brought to the surface again for Scotland to rethink breaking away from the Union as the majority voted to remain in the EU..... 

So really Brexit and the Brexiters have caused all this rift and anguish...... now they will say oh Marjorie you are a remoaner... and not respecting democracy... 

The problem is that there seems to be different takes on democracy and full understanding. Whilst the main surge of policies will be based on the majority ideology-there needs to be modification to the minority groups too... so all are valued and respected.....Compromise is needed too... or one simply become an autocracy..... See how complex we are it is no wonder we create a world in a turmoil and fail to find peace and harmony with one another?!