Sunday 19 February 2017

Sunday with the Papers

Having a look at a two papers today .. The Sunday Telegraph and the New European.... not managed to get into the Telegraph yet as some really well written and presented articles in the New European that have taken my attention. 

A number of issues to share with you all as the day progresses.... to get us all thinking... as a Global Family that need to be aware of division and disruptive forces that are trying to upskittle us and our wonderful planet.  We need to hold tight to being together as communities.  

It was strange last night watching what could be interpreted as the Trump Vanity Rally...that the First Lady read out the Lords Prayer.  This prayer as a lot in the text and something that all religions echo.  It is the need to respect the Creator of All..... often seen in male terms and in Islam the Allah is simply read in masculine form in linguistic terms like the le and la in French.  But the creator of all is formless, neither male nor female. cannot be added to or taken away from and is Omnipotent.. and we are all part of the whole energy field of this universe.   Thy Kingdom come thy will be done InshAllah God willing and if we are to follow the purity of the love care and compassion of the creator of all we can have heaven on Earth all living together in peace love and harmony.   Give us our daily bread is a little demanding in text but is saying that we are reliant on all creation to give us our basic needs of food and water. The life sustainance elements.  For this we need to respect the ecosystem and work with the divine creation of our amazing planet.  It is horrid that we have situations were man deprives man of the basic human needs of food and water out of greed or as we have been seeing in Syria out of war tactics on a community that is against a regime.   Out of our lust of technology that is profit margin driven many times not out of necessity we need to be sure that our intelligent mind is thinking intelligently and creating man made things with respect for the environment.  It is somewhat crazy minded to think we can manufacture at the expense of the ecosystem that supports our very being.  I watched online an automated lumberjack saw - chopping down trees at a rapid rate of knots to get the wood for all our trinkets, furniture and polished finishes to super yachts and homes.... but the forest those trees each and every leaf is our planets lungs.... We need them for the oxygen to keep us alive.... Given that trees take longer to grow than to chop down then we have to ask... What are we doing?  When friends tell me that once lush forested hills are becoming as bald as coots... we have to say Shit what are we doing and how long can this go on without us gasping for our breath...

Forgive us those that trespass us against is I know a tricky thing to do... but we need to work together to ensure that there is no trespassing, no pain given to another because of lack of education or listening or understanding.  Deliver us from evil... well every religion goes on an internal Jihad and journey within the true jihad to discipline the ego with all its anger, lust greed fear violence and all the characteristics that cause man made darkness in the world.  The journey to become selfless and merciful and respect all creation. Yes the power of the divine of love care and compassion is the glory... As truly it is a wonderful creative energy when we all come together and care and share. 

Our Father Who Art In Heaven
Hallowed be thy Name. 
Thy kingdom come. 
Thy will be done, 
On earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, 
But deliver us from evil. 
[For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 
for ever and ever. Amen.

But if Mr Trump is going to use the Christian approach to his rallies and dialogue he will need to look at Love thy Neighbour as thy self... and that means bridges not walls.  

Sad to see him in that rally in Florida when over the way in California people were struggling with floods and destruction. It would have been a good leader to have gone over with waterproofs and wellies to see the extent of the needs. Say how he will help those affected and to praise the emergency services.... Seemed incongruent for this rally in a time of other citizens needs... So America first or Self first Mr Trump? I am confused as to what is really in your heart.