Saturday 18 February 2017

The Key that holds Pain and Hope

Pain at loss and hope of return. 
The key always touches my soul to make me weep that man can drive another man out of his home.  That man cannot respect another man but oppress and push and shove and destroy another to gain the land they live on.  It is not just in the Middle East but the history of mankind shows repeated patterns of taking from another. One tribe against another to greedily take the land they live on and sustains them.   We saw this in America too with the indigenous tribes being killed and no respect... demonising the victims to be somehow the badies.... I am recalling as a little girl when we played cowboys and indians... I would always have a natural affinity to be one of the Indians... Like a soul connection to understand even as a child that it was unjust to take from another and not respect another.  

After all this Planet is for us all - we are all chosen to be on this Earthly plane. Our soul to learn in this earth body that defines us while we live on this planet. But time and time again mans' ego casts the darkness of Gods love and light by creating the horrors of death and destruction to exert control over another. 

So sad that in any challenge to say this is not right some will throw acusations of being anti-semitic and have no respect for the Israel... horrifically using the poor souls that were the victims of the Nazi regime in last century as if to justify hurting the Palestinians and take their land.  

We are to be reminded that the term semitic covers all tribes in the region so in effect the Israelis are anti semitic towards the Palestinians.  There was a recent visit by Bibi to see Mr Trump in the Whitehouse and a suggestion that Palestinians have indoctrined their children with hate... when really in an objective review of Isreali literature over the past 30 yrs there has been a systematic demonisation of Palestinians to generate hate.. 

I used to be comfortable with Israel and even liked the idea of Kibbutz and would have liked to have visited... but it took me to wake up to the whole situation when I saw the 2014 heavy handed attacks on Gaza... The term attacking "terrorists" so readily used to justify this.  When really when we stand back and view it all - Who is the terrorist? The oppressor or the resistor to that oppression.  

I stood holding hands with a holocaust survivor outside 10 Downing street on the Bibi visit to Cameron the PM of that time... We both were holding Palestine flags... This lovely Jewish lady survivor and me a Methodist now Muslim  old lady had two Israeli's coming over to us and shouting that we were terrorists...!! My dear Jewish lady gripped my hand tighter and looked in my eyes and said something I too have felt.. "Why?" She said, " Why when we felt and saw the horrors of an evil sadistic oppressive regime that killed our people do they want to do this to the Palestinians...." She went on to say, " you would think that they and all the world would never ever want such evil in the world again!"

I have nursed survivors of the holocaust and one of my dearest Jewish friends Marshall from Leeds was a Pharmacist turned herbalist healer.  Marshall introduced me to Sai Baba an Indian Spiritual teacher that was bringing all world religions together... Sai Baba would say - "Each and everyone of your religions say Peace Love Care for one another  - so why are your fighting?"  and the answer Baba gave is so so true.... "because the Ego gets in the way...!" the ego is the one to discipline that keeps us separate from Gods love and light and care for us all.. Love is the energy we need to permit to flow through us and base our decisions and our actions upon... with this comes respect and peace for one another.  

So sad we cannot learn and stop all this land grabbing, lust for oil £$£$£ and deluded power... how can we ever see ourselves greater than the creator of All...

This map says it all and so sad that this was taken with no prior agreement and continues to this day with demolishing Palestine homes for illegal settlements.... So you can understand the pain in the Palestinians...

Time for resolution and peace - with this respect for Palestine.