Sunday 30 April 2017

Mal policies and Frontline effect

"Theresa May has been condemned for refusing to accept the government’s public sector pay freeze could be responsible for reports that nurses are having to use food banks.
The prime minister was repeatedly challenged this morning by the BBC’s Andrew Marr over Royal College of Nursing figures that show some nurses have had a 14% pay cut since 2010 and are having to resort to using food banks in order to eat."

Mrs May also was insistent she did believe in the welfare state but continued to say that the best way out of poverty is to work.  Yet many are put in work that is basic minimum wage and does not shift them out of poverty. Or the work offered is on Zero hour contracts that give instability of earning power. Clearly we have a problem if professionals working hard in nursing shifts -often working through shifts with no breaks and getting off late are then found to need foodbanks to survive? There are those that feel hassled into work when deemed unfit for work by GP yet independent private contractor assessors are refuting the GPs and patients illness. I have seen in the local jobcentre folk on crutches neck braces and in obvious pain asked to seek work... even a chap with Alzheimer's asked to look for work... and we have over 60s that have worked hard all their life and are knackered with the work they have put in over the years, FORBIDDEN their State Pension because of discrimination on birth year.... yet in working time have actually given free hours to organisations by working through breaks and off late out of dedication to work...... This is where it hurts that she will not see this ..... and when folk assessed by their GP and considered UNFIT for work WHY with in 2 days of submitting a sick note does the DWP send a work capability form..... surely the sick can get some peace to respond to treatments to heal, so be well enough to get back to work... ?? the DWP hassle actually creates more stress and worsening of condition. Cancer patients to 2015 survivorship report told to return to work as the survivorship can no longer be funded by Welfare.... Some can only operate for a few hours a day for personal needs never mind go out to work.... and still on long term medication .... so this is where is hurts the C missing from Conservatives is Compassion....... 

I have always been proud to pay tax since my first job in 1969 into a system that had compassion at its core. An NHS to give care free at the point of access - though not free as paid for by tax and NI contributions, but I remember my mother saying of the stress of not being able to afford the doctor to come to family members in the early 1900s - surely we became a mature caring society to have the NHS... and I have been proud to pay tax for welfare to help others in need and for the time I am in need of help... BUT I AM ASHAMED OF THE LACK OF CARE AND CUTS IN SERVICES AND WELFARE FOR THOSE IN NEED NOW.... I must remind Mrs May that it was a very wise politician that put the Welfare State in place to harmonise and care for society at a time when as now the rich were getting richer and the poor getting poorer.  ... it is a very FOOLISH ONE to dismantle it ...... we all pay tax in some shape of form so could the PM give us a full account sheet of where it goes...? and I mean a full audit...... no good saying we put this million in this and that without a audit and measure of outcome. it is more than signing of cheques for seen problems and thinking problem solved we need transparency on where the money is going..... as folk on the frontline are suffering and we are NOT GOING TO VOTE for MORE PAIN... we all have the right to FINANCIAL DIGNITY.........A society without compassion ceases to be a society!

WE must also think that tax money circulates... tax paid for NHS pays health professionals and managers and ancillary staff.... they pay tax out of their wages back to the treasury.
Tax paid for Welfare pays for the DWP staff who pay tax so circulates back to the treasury.  People on benefits pay tax on VAT goods & fuel, they try to purchase with their by law poverty allowance of £73.10 a week out of which they pay housing cap and council tax, food be it minimal food and attempt to get clothing?

Mrs May's designer kitten shoes cost more than 2 weeks benefits if not a month on some of the shoes we see. Somewhat insensitive it is not mandatory to have designer this and that for PMs - unless a deal is struck with designers and profit goes to charity. Or go to promote British goods with a charity pay of commission on orders generated to those in need. 

On the subject of charity there are many that volunteer to help fill the gap in services through charity organisations.  They are hardworking but are not offered paid contracts as the charity will only have limited funds for paid posts.  So some of the volunteers may be on benefits..... could the Prime Minister acknowledge this situation and those doing good work with volunteer work be recognised with some funding to keep them out of debt and poverty hardship....

It is complex on the frontline and a good leader listens to the frontline to make their decisions for the whole of the troops to be safe & protected from no harm.  

Thank Goodness for Corbyn and his style of true leadership where the people are listened too and are the power he wishes to drive for the benefit of the many not the few
Strong stable leadership needs this quality!

Plea from the Heart of Syria

Please scroll down to the bottom of the blog page to see this film it is a plea from a fathers heart in Syria.  Found in my facebook newsfeed this morning but I cannot seem to embed the html in this post..... Put have been able to put in add gadget html ........ WE NEED TO HEAR THIS PLEA FROM THE HEART OF SYRIA.... and yes if we do not listen and act upon this then Assad has robbed us our virtue and our humanity.... Please watch and see if you can share too...

Most of all time for this pain and suffering and downright evil of what a monster can do to the people is STOPPED.. and justice brought for all the lost and broken lives..... 

Assad and Putin and all that think sledgehammer airstrikes and chemical warfare and ignoring the rule of Geneva convention is acceptable WELL IT IS NOT and SHOWS WEAK MINDED PATHETIC HUMAN BEINGS THAT CANNOT FIND STRENGTH IN PEACE.  


Seems like a lot of hidden agendas in this world???!!

Time man grew up and evolved stopped stupidity in deluded egos that think they have power over others.  There is only one power the Universal Power over All... with the constant message to be a Global Family care for one another and respect one another and this amazing one home Planet Earth. A planet we are all chosen to live on by the fact we are born and live and breathe......we all have the right to that life with peace and dignity.

So come on mankind grow up and put KIND into manKIND and see what wonders we can do peace...! 

Saturday 29 April 2017

Pope Appeal

Pope Francis talks to journalists during a press conference on his return flight from Cairo to Rome April 29, 2017. REUTERS/Gregorio Borgia/Pool
By Philip Pullella | ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANEPope Francis said on Saturday a third country, such as Norway, should try to mediate the dispute between North Korea and Washington, to cool a situation that had become "too hot" and posed the risk of nuclear devastation.
Francis said he believed "a good part of humanity" would be destroyed in any widespread war.
Source: Reuters

Article 51 violation

What more evidence that deliberate target of hospitals and how sick of minds that use bunker busting bombs to reach those underground in an attempt to be safe.....ARTICLE 51 violation.....


Russian and/or Syrian jets have again bombed hospitals in Syria culminating in a sharp rise in attacks on medical facilities. In the month of April alone, the following fourteen hospitals and medical centres have been attacked by Russian and Assad forces:

  • 2 April: Maarat Nouman Hospital, Idlib.
  • 4 April and 16 April: Al-Rahmeh Hospital in Khan Sheikhoun.
  • 4 April and 8 April: Heesh Clinic, Idlib province.
  • 17 April: Ikhlas Hospital in Shnan, Idlib.
  • 17 April: Erbin Hospital, Eastern Ghouta near Damascus.
  • 22 April: Central Hospital, Abdeen, Idlib province.
  • 25 April: Wasim Hasino hospital in Kafr Takharim, Idlib province.
  • 25 April: Dowaila Hospital in Kafr Takharim, Idlib province.
  • 26 April: Naseeb Hospital, Daraa.
  • 26 April: Al Latamneh Hospital, Hama.
  • 27 April: Al Dair Al-Sharqi Hospital, Idlib.
  • 27 April: SAMS Ambulances and Evacuation Medical Point, Maar Zeta, Idlib province.
  • 28 April: The maternity hospital in Kafr Takharim, Idlib province.
  • 28 April: Al Na’eema field hospital, Daraa province.
Russian and Assad jets are committing war crimes targeting medical personnel and facilities in Syria. It is beyond incomprehensible that medical facilities are targeted by one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council; a state which is considered part of the ‘civilised world’. The Syrian people have lost their faith in the UN which has been failing them for over six years. Security Council motions are repeatedly vetoed by Russia, and other members have failed to exert the required pressure on Russia to change its approach.

More than time for Peace and justice 
and reparation for all lost & broken lives 

For the many

Image result for for the many not the few jeremy corbyn
For the many not the few - financial dignity for the many not the few is what I would like to see. Dignity and respect for all is vital with compassion for the needy as a society without compassion ceases to be a society. 

Interesting facebook interaction: 

"Colin Andrew comments: I have a horrible feeling that Jeremy Corbyn will do better than many people expect. He has this very genuine view that the poor, ignorant, ill educated , dispossessed and socially inadequate citizens get a bad deal. He may be right.
The snag,as always , is that the working tax payer has to pick up the pieces and pay for the less fortunate members of society. The art of politics is knowing where to draw the line and how much tax you can extract from contributers to pay towards supporting non contributors"
Colin Andrew dear me Colin open up your frame of reference Doctors are well educated they are being listened to by Jeremy that there is a real crisis in the NHS ...teachers are well educated and being listened to by Jeremy that there is a real crisis in the educational system.... Architects Engineers and Economist are well educated and Jeremy is listening to them that the housing and infrastructure and economy is in crisis ... so who are the ignorant you imply to ........ and a tax payer is all that are on this land from dwellers to tourists to business visitors to migrants as we all have to pay VAT on goods road tax nearly every move we make is taxed... some have had to pay tax to come here on visa application...... those on benefits pay tax on the goods they try to buy with the minimal by present Tory driven law £73.10 a week.... that amount in not jolly hols spending money but they have to pay some council tax to housing to electric to gas to food to clothing... as they are able...... so I suggest you look with a wider lens on life and with an open heart and see that what is happening in our land - that is many are treated unfairly while the few enjoy the fruits of the many..... and suggest you direct your criticism to the Panama hat wearers that leech YOUR tax and others to stuff in to some bank for own needs. We also need to look at tyrants making a fortune out of property in our land and then causing utter havoc in the world to create displaced citizens of their home land to seek safety from their tyrannical rule and attacks upon them....... I think really we have a need to drain a swamp here - you need to ask where is EVERYONE's TAX going as clearly services are suffering and there is evidence of mis-management of our resources...

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Delusion creates pain

Sharing these words written by Bronwen another activist friend of mine in the Syria Solidarity UK group.  Her post "I wrote this is response to the gas attack on the town of Khan Sheikhun in Syria. Yesterday the Russians/regime bombed a busy market, killing several civilians."

My reaction to this for all to read and see and hear with their hearts:
Sharing to remind you behind smokescreens of Elections the pain and destruction goes on ... and Bronwen's words are powerful indeed... words more powerful than these deluded despots on their killing sprees... Earth Blossoms Stars Pearls all part of a power Greater than all....we are made in love by the Creator of all and told time and time again to love one another and care for one another - not let deluded ego create darkness in the world.... but still man is so stupid not to listen and continues to lust for a deluded illusion of self power and creates more and more pain in the world....

Wake up man evolve come on put KIND back into manKIND and stop your craziness in this beautiful world!!

Saturday 22 April 2017

Taxpayers Against Poverty

Now these are interesting questions with some very worrying stats on the failed badly written policies of this Tory Government.... 
"Our firsts batch of questions for all Parliamentary Candidates - the next will focus on housing, Each questions is prefaced with.
That the NHS has reported that over 7300 people were admitted to hospital with malnutrition in 2014/15. Up 50% in the four years since 2010?…/food-bank-britain-a…
That the Office for National Statistics has revealed an unprecedented increase in deaths in 2015 after decades of improvement?…/an-unprecedented-rise-in-uk-de…/
That the regressive impact of the market and austerity has damaged the health and wellbeing of millions of citizens since 1979 and in particular since 2010?…/tap-health-equality…
That because rents are rising faster than incomes The Resolution Foundation has forecast ever lower incomes after housing costs reducing by 16% for the poorest citizens over the next four years while the highest incomes rise 4%?…/2017/01/Audit-2017.pdf
That Income Support, Employment Support Allowance and Jobseekers Allowance all at £73.10pw and Universal Credit of £317pm are too low live on AND have to pay rent due to the bedroom tax and council tax.…/the-great-injustice…
That given what we know about the physical and emotional costs of moving house, the vulnerability of children’s education to frequent moves and the disruption to schooling and social networks, that councils are demolishing council estates rather than maintaining them?…/412554-Housing-as-a-Platform-for-Imp…
To allow the UK to sleepwalk into a proliferation of insecure work which is short sighted, damages health and costs the taxpayers?…/allowing-uk-to-slee…
In 2010 it was estimated that inequalities in health accounted for productivity losses of £31-£33 billion per year, and £20-£32 billion a year in lost taxes and higher welfare payments. Additional NHS healthcare costs associated with inequality were estimated to be in excess of £5.5 billion a year?…/health-inequalities…

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Make it simple

Life has suddenly become big mandates and rising polls - limp polls and not so sure what the heck is going on polls.......with electoral fatigue and stress! No not tonight darling got an headache ohh no not again... with your big mandate..rising poll.... ! 

Just thinking we are not really seeing any good marketing skills on products. 
The products being manifestos from the parties wishing to sell to become governments in power. 

A key is not to criticise your competitor yet we have seen in PMQs our present PM mega cristicising the opposition parties - with some outright bullying of the Labour party leader.  

Does not make for good PR or marketing.  Certainly is a move to put you off this kind of attitude.  There is no demonstration of compassion or respect and this is what we are all needing at the moment.  We are sick to death of the world politics with wars and argey bargey ... with a referendum vote that has been a major cock up creating division not unity.... and with the instigator of this doing a runner..... and in some fairness landing our present PM in the left over debris of a badly managed show... All parties are split yes even the Tory party of which our present PM is trying to bluff us in to thinking they are together... but really are not...because the referendum was a circus act of the illusionist cutting a body in two and not able to put it together again..... we have seen some horrid attitudes and exposures of inner selves... the phenomena of trolls on the social media an amazing insight into the pain & darkness many carry in their social perspective on life.  

So what are we going to do folks?  Will we all just go on holiday to our favourite European destinations in June and leave them all arguing among themselves and stuff the ballot box... or will we try and have our voices heard and our wishes for a peaceful life restored.

There are some learning curves from marketing found for party PR to consider to help us make a choice....

Compare, Don't Criticize
It’s natural for customers to compare products. They're looking for the best quality as well as the best value. There’s nothing wrong with comparing your products with your competitors’. But there are acceptable and unacceptable ways to do that. It’s acceptable to give a side by side comparison of features, for example. This is factual communication, not criticism.
The Business World Can Be a Jungle
Life isn’t fair. You may have the best product in the world, but that isn’t enough to succeed. You’ve got to get across the benefits of your product to a wide audience.


I think we all just need a simple run down on each parties manifestos with questions answered on 

1. How can you reduce the cost of living to free us all up from major headache of prices going up and up for basic needs, With this rid the need for foodbanks and help us have enough funds for our needs and save some funds for the future?

2. How are you going to give us all financial dignity and with this financial freedom for our families. Thus help the wider market economy with the new spending power we have had stunted with politically induced austerity in previous governments. 

3. How will you solve the housing crisis that has fermented over the last 30 years with insufficient building to accommodate the population explosion we and the rest of the world are in.

4. What shelter dignity can you offer until enough housing is generated for us all?  Sorry but have to put a critique in at this stage for all parties - A failed leader is one that has people on the streets!! not a failing of the person on the street but failure of social support and provision of needs.

5.What clinical provision are you going to make in the NHS for the growing population? with this will there be a review of hospital closures when logic says we need more support per capita not less.

6. How you going to provide education for the growing population and with this ensure an harmonious learning environment for both pupils and teachers, so that creativity and intellectual capacity is allowed to blossom to full potential?

7. How you going to help those that can work to get work to support their families? This must have stability of work not Zero hours contracts as you cannot get a mortgage to house buy on a zero contract.. The whole of capitalism needs predictable earnings not unpredictable precarious earnings. On work with the DWP how you going to make this a good journey not one of hassle and shoving folk into jobs that do not fit their capability or stimulate them to rich their full potential in career development?  The present contracted private companies to get folk into work have unrealistic targets and rather than support a person on a journey to find work they get hassle to get off benefits.  Will there be reward for the volunteer sector for the hours they contribute.

8. Who is going to show compassion to the sick and vulnerable in society to help them heal and be supported in a humane caring way not be a like a parcel on a conveyor belt shoved through to meet unrealistic targets.  We are all Mind Body and Spirit and all need to be in harmony to be able to heal and achieve wellness. How will you help our elderly population that have been the fabric of our society for their lifetime and deserve respectful care. Who will care for the carers from Doctors nurses to family carers?

9. How you going create fairness with a downspill of profits to help those creating the profits =the shopfloor workers that any company relies on to make that company survive. 

10. The environment how are you going to build houses but keep green spaces? How are you going to power the society without creating harm to the environment.  So solar panels or fracking, pavegen or nuclear come on we need manifesto to respect this Earth this one planet home we all share.  So who will ensure we protect our planet?  How we going to help farmers to feed and sustain us...

11. How are we to stop the insanity and stupidity of wars and weapons = so who is going to be brave enough to be strong enough to be peaceful and not rely on a strong economy from the manufacture and selling of arms.. 

12. Who is going to be a model leader for all and be the peacemaker and respect all and help to bring to justice to those that create pain in the world for others. Who is going to reform existing law and judicial systems that often let down victims of crime - but also let down offenders in their need to reform their behaviour to prevent their cycle of criminal activity.

What of the mess that has been created with this Brexit from our European friends and fellow global family members...? Who can steer us through a good deal to suit all and keep harmony to be able to achieve so much together.  We have common problems to solve and need to help one another surely?  We need to trade with one another both EU and Global but in healthy trading not destructive trading...

So who can offer a product with all these questions answered?


May incompetence?

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Is the PM being completely incompetent throwing the country into a snap election with a period of dissolution of parliament - when there is world turmoil that could lead to a nuclear exchange any moment?  We have Kim and Trump locking horns.. Kim offering support to Dr Death Assad and Putin.  More killing sprees in Syria. The Black Clad Criminals have now swarm drone technology. Yemen in a mess with horrors of starvation as a war tactic... 

But with Europe in turmoil exacerbated with the Brexit melarky, the united kingdom untying with massive divisions and so many badly written policies causing domestic problems on a grand scale!!

MAYbe we should call for a crisis coalition for the next 10yrs to give the stability the PM is asking for... we need good heads together and put aside all the my gang your gang style politics ... put people's welfare first and get the mess sorted out....

We sure need Compassion put back in the equation for all the world leaders and stop this madness of knocking hell out of one another.... 

A society without compassion ceases to be a society. 

No leader is a leader while there are homeless, foodbanks, wars and politically induced pain in the country and world... No leader can be a leader while there is chaos and a world in turmoil........ 

We need harmony and peace with this respect for one another and this one Earthly home we have to share as a global family. 

Bringing it Home about Aleppo

Just found this link in my facebook newsfeed from the Arab-British Centre they found the news story in Time Out.... Hans Hack a data visualiser has superimposed the attacks and damage in Aleppo on a map of London and the results are shocking.  London has been bombed in the past WW2 blitz but this brings home todays warfare from a land that is heartbreakingly horrendous to watch..... and we cannot seem to stop the madness of a regime attacking its own land and citizens.  A failed Doctor leader that has imposed some auto-attack disease on the land and people he is supposed to have a State Duty of Care to protect and respect.... !! Madness beyond madness.... !!!!

Time we did have Time Out of the madness and horrors and get justice and peace.. 

You can read more in the link and see the interactive map...

Friday 14 April 2017

Peace Power

Sign of Insanity

war, greed, hate, violence 
none of these are sane!

The world needs a prayer hug for Peace 
Salem*Shalom*Peace*Om Shanti

Mother of All

The Mother of all roses - PEACE

Kim & Donald

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Dear Kim and Donald we have an amazingly beautiful planet that of our shared home - Earth...... could you all respect it.... and Kim what was the point of building a wonderful capital city when your fetish for flashing your missiles could end up destroying it with a counterattack to your play. 

It is rather bizarre watching Kim and his clones - Kim flashes his missiles and the clones seem to have a collective orgasm to their ejaculation...!!! 

Now we have Donald wanting to intrude in the madroom with his flashing of his missiles... to have an orgy of button pressing and climax.... with the risk of not an out of the world experience but a "no longer a world" for us all.... 

I would remind all players of nuclear missiles ... that they are Dickheads to play with nuclear war heads and run the risk of a dick on their heads with the resulting genetic mutations if anyone survives this craziness... 

Come on cool that testosterone and stopping compensation for small dangling bits lads..... The true strong man is the man that is selfless, egoless, merciful, respectful of all creation, compassionate and caring and lives in Peace. 

Why now..?

This does ask a very important question yes why is that one not provoking international action yet another does?  Why now the mass condemnation and attempts to get Assad and Putin to stop massacres?  No matter the material used the main issue is Article 51 of the Geneva Convention is being contravened.  Rules of combat state no civilians should be targeted rather they be protected and certainly no hospitals and health care personnel should be targeted rather they should be protected.  All rules have been broken from day one of Assad attacking his opposition.  Opposition to his overt corruption and inner circle that live off the proceeds of corruption..... circles extend around the world that live in the pockets of his corruption.  Hence why now we are seeing fierce attempts to negate the whole war..... and the aggression we saw last week in London from the regime supporters towards our protest also show that 1. they fear losing their status in the circle and 2. They can feel that the regime is coming to an end.  

Now we have had an amazing week of international debate and emergency gatherings and the independent action of the US.....

Then now we have a most amazing behavioral pattern from Assad.... claims none of this happened ....I suppose it is a dream like Bobby had in Dallas...... the last 6 yrs been a fantasy..... according to Pinocchio Dr Death Assad.......BUT Bless his little cotton socks he is getting scaaaared that the ICC doors are opening for him ..... the lengths a perpetrator will go to to make out he did nothing.....!!!!!

The more he talks the more he is showing guilt... he is beginning to look gaunt .. all the inner circle are trying to reinforce his denial in a desperate attempt to help him promote his delusions and propaganda.  

In Dr Death Assad interview this week we saw no pain towards the citizens killed... no anxiousness towards the families .... a complete detachment from their suffering and a most amazing accusation that all were acting death and destruction.  

It is majorly time this failed doctor, failed leader and failed human being was brought to accountability in the International Criminal Court of Justice.

Time a new constitution was written.  The conference that was held in London on the reconstruction that gave a feeling many are wanting to profit from this... needs to be challenged.  Yes there needs a rebuild but there should be no one individual or company or group gaining profits for their personal gain... it should be part of the reparation to victims... there have been so many lives lost and broken with a great displacement of Syrian is only fair and just that they are compensated for this...

Saturday 8 April 2017

Demo today in response to Chemical attacks

well as an Anglo Saxon indigenous Brit that has never been to Syria but is well read on the country TODAY I saw first hand & experienced the aggression and the violent behaviour of the Assad Regime.... from Pro Assad supporters in London verbally and physically attacking demonstrators - Demonstrators against the horrid killing fest that the regime is exerting in Syria. SHAMEFUL REGIME they showed to all the world their aggression. Marble Arch there was a nasty incident that our wonderful Police helped to protect our demo from and in Oxford Street a woman Pro Assad supporter so demented with her aggression her husband had to restrain her...!!!. coins where thrown at us as missiles to hurt.... I am so grateful to the team of police officers that were there to protect us... Their body cameras have the evidence and it showed them how aggressive the Assad regime can be..... and this on the streets of London...... a host country where they show no respect for our land.
HAD MY EYES OPENED BIG TIME TODAY... otherwise we had a peaceful demo with some of the crowds applauding us ....

One tourist from Indonesia got off the tour bus to come and hold the Syria revolution flag and told me had to do this as this week cried and cried seeing the chemical attack on kids - kids same age as mine he told me... so felt as a father for the loss of the children.... So he wanted to come and support the demo to help him with his pain too on what he had seen this week. Syria Solidarity Campaign looked after us with wonderful food in Whitehall.... Shukran all.....

FREE FREE SYRIA FROM AN OPPRESSIVE AGGRESSIVE DISREPECTFUL OF LIFE REGIME..... how can anyone support a war criminal? ...but they have their ID exposed now for the ICC as anyone that supports a mass murderer is as guilty as those that issue the commands and exert those command to attack civilians, attack babies, attack kids attack hospitals and doctors and nurses..... even our own British doctors out helping have been targeted by this foul evil regime......

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Good Shines through

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Doctors of the World shine in this world.

In the camps where we work, refugees aren’t just our patients - they’re our colleagues and our equals. Check out this photo-story about the#refugee doctors, translators and social workers on our teams.

Al Hasib

deluded despots seem to forget no one can escape justice there will be a day of reckoning ...but hope I live to see the doors of the ICC open with assad in the dock and putin... all the 6 years been horrendous evidence of their crimes but today is the last straw ..... come on world get that court door open......!!

Stupidity and More Crimes against Humanity

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While I shared the video on the Nuremberg Prosecutor and even friends in Australia saw the amazing interview.... we have had Dr Death Assad attacking with Chlorine gas..... kids and civilians with airstrikes on the hospitals trying to treat the casualties.... ALL WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.  When will this world get that monster and his regime in the ICC..... and time the whole madness stopped..... we have witnessed 6 years of killing frenzy but this shark... and like Ben said this is so unevolved .....time we moved away from such stupidity...... so rather than looking strong Dr Assad and his buddy Putin and Mr Trump may well have been joining in on he madness too ....THIS SHOWS STUPIDITY NOT STRENGTH.... time man evolved and lived the message that is pertinent to this time of Year - we cannot keep nailing Love Care and Compassion on a cross because we cannot cross out the selfish I-ism of the deluded ego....

Here are the horrid symptoms victims have had to endure ....taken from WW1 use of Chlorine......

Symptoms.    The first effect of inhalation of chlorine is a burning pain in the throat and eyes, accompanied by a sensation of suffocation; pain, which may be severe, is felt in the chest, especially behind the sternum. Respiration becomes painful, rapid, and difficult ; coughing occurs, and the irritation of the eyes results in profuse lachrymation. Retching is common and may be followed by vomiting, which gives temporary relief. The lips and mouth are parched and the tongue is covered with a thick dry fur. Severe headache rapidly follows with a feeling of great weakness in the legs; if the patient gives way to this and lies down, he is likely to inhale still more chlorine, as the heavy gas is most concentrated near the ground. In severe poisoning unconsciousness follows; nothing more is known about the cases which prove fatal on the field within the first few hours of the "gassing," except that the face assumes a pale greenish yellow colour. When a man lives long enough to be admitted into a clearing station, he is conscious, but restless; his face is violet red, and his ears and finger nails blue ; his expression strained and anxious as he gasps for breath; he tries to get relief by sitting up with his head thrown back, or he lies in an exhausted condition, sometimes on his side with his head over the edge of the stretcher in order to help the escape of fluid from the lungs. His skin is cold and his temperature subnormal; the pulse is full and rarely over 100. Respiration is jerky, shallow and rapid, the rate being often over 40 and sometimes even 80 a minute ; all the auxiliary muscles come into play, the chest being over-distended at the height of inspiration and, as in asthma, only slightly less distended in extreme expiration. Frequent and painful coughing occurs and some frothy sputum is brought up. The lungs are less resonant than normal, but not actually dull, and fine riles with occasional rhonchi and harsh but not bronchial breathing are heard, especially over the back and sides.Headache is generally severe, and there is also considerable epigastric discomfort, due partly to the strain of coughing and partly to gastric irritation, as it is increased if an attempt is made to eat.The intense dyspncea of this asphyxial stage lasts about thirty-six hours, after which it gradually subsides, if death does not occur before.


Monday 3 April 2017

Saturday 1 April 2017

Better deal for women

I HAVE CREATED A UK PETITION but it will not go live till 5 people that I have emailed sign it but this is what is about for you to see:-
DWP to have a special platform of support for women victims of domestic violence
There is a fundamental need for a victim to have a strong support system to heal, detox from abuse and restore her confidence as she rebuilds her broken life. To have system that batters her with drops of support is abusive in itself & a gross failure of the state duty of care upon her safety.
DWP should have alerts on files of victims of domestic violence. There needs to be an overlap of care and support as she re-enters the job market when her confidence is rebuilding-there must not be a sudden withdrawal of support. Constant battering by a poor system also tethers her to the past so she feels she can never escape from the pain of her abuse. Support well and when she is through the pain, healing and challenge any company will have one strong lady in their team to achieve goals.
{there will be a few days to allow for response and this going live but if you are a UK citizen and wish to help me ensure this petition does go live and is debated then private message me with your email for me to forward the preliminary link to you - MANY THANKS Marjorie }